On perceiving the day of Friday the 13th. Going from normal conditions to accidents!

in hive-185836 •  17 days ago 


You know, there have been much mystery and problems behind the day Friday the 13th. And the most normal association for people about this day, is that there have been many accidents on this day, and this is also true in the religions and the cultures, and the day is filled with mystery and strange processes and outcomes, and somebody thinks that this is nonsense, and some are believing within it, but the day is not more dangerous than any other day when we are here, and we are just here to do something in accordance with our five human senses as listening, sight, taste, smell and feeling. And this is how the things are perceived when we are here, and we are just here to do normal and sensible things, and everything is up to you and me by doing the life just as we want it.

When the Bible was published, and many religious people took over the leading of the country, and the things doing such and such, it became the superstition about that Friday the 13th was an accident day, and a day for coming many and strange and suddenly accidents. It was really an accidents to go 13 guest to the table when making and doing a meal. In addition, Friday was a bay day because Jesus was crucified on a Friday, and Eve is said to have given Adam the "poisonous" apple on a Friday. And these reasons are the real reasons about why this day was perceived as it was when we are here where we are from day to day, and everybody react when we are saying Friday the 13th, and that things are going to happen on this particular day.

We determine ourselves which attitudes, intention and behavior we are taking and doing to different things in the life, and something is natural and something is stupid, and something we do care about, and something we do not care about. And this is what we are doing to any times anywhere while we are here, and behavior is just choices in the life, and we determine ourselves what to do of precision in the diversity and freedom that we are having when we are here. And today, we do not know whether the Bible is true, who really wrote these things, and whether things are fiction or facts about how the life is and how the life is being perceived, but as humans we determine whether we want to believe or not believe. And the mystery and strange things of the life is always there, but as humans we have freedom to determine our own lives, and whether things are real and to believe within, and whether there is something in reality, or there is nothing to believe within. And fitness, adaptations and standardization are always there.

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Sverre Larsen

Kristiansand, Norway

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