Getting better: anxiety front (part 1)

in hive-185836 •  3 months ago  (edited)

Every new day brings new challenges and hardships. From these, we learn something new and move forward.

Yesterday, after breakfast, my wife and I were having tea as usual. According to our rule, while having tea, we do not do anything else; just tea and us. This makes it a beautiful experience of sharing time together.


While talking, she suddenly started worrying about the future, wondering how things will turn out. Will everything go well? If not, what will be the impact on our relationship? What will people say? And so on.

The context behind this was that for many days (4 to 6 months), we had been thinking about having a baby. But nothing seemed to be working out. All these feelings suddenly overwhelmed her, and her anxieties had increased.

So, we decided to visit our psychologist and made an appointment. After a long wait, our turn came, and we discussed this topic extensively. We gained a lot of clarity about what was happening, why it was happening, and what we should do about it.

Generally, this condition is known as anxiety. But in medical terminology, it is called Generalized Anxiety Disorder.


Basically, what is anxiety?

At certain times, a mixture of fear, worry, and restlessness arises within you (the mental and physical state that develops in response to any situation is called anxiety).

This state is the body's and mind's response, and this response has developed over the long journey of human evolution.

For instance, when a wild animal appeared before early humans, they had three options: fight, flee, or freeze.

To perform these actions, the body and mind need to prepare accordingly. Therefore, the brain has designed such a response mechanism.

The challenges faced by early humans were immediate and real, while our challenges are often socio-psychological and sometimes unreal.

Understanding this made both of us feel better. What was happening was not abnormal, problematic, or beyond repair. Currently, 70 to 80% of people worldwide have this Generalized Anxiety Disorder.

The psychologist took a paper and pen and explained the trigger factors and their combinations, which were very interesting and insightful.

Basically, in response to a dangerous situation perceived by the brain, the Sympathetic Nervous System and the Parasympathetic Nervous System are activated. These two systems work in opposite directions.

Sympathetic system physical action prepares the body for fight or flight responses, while the Parasympathetic system generally prepares the body for rest and digest.

Mostly, the anxiety response is triggered by the Sympathetic system, and its symptoms start to appear, such as increased heartbeat, rapid breathing, and sweating.

By then, I had started feeling slightly anxious because all this was new and eye-opening. Through this neurobiological process, we understand that we have anxiety.

We both sighed in relief and understood that there are still many factors that play an important role. But this is all very common, and we will gradually start treatment based on the severity of the symptoms.

We took a deep breath, thanked the psychologist, and headed home.

On the way, we stopped at a coffee shop and enjoyed a cup of coffee, feeling somewhat relieved.

What is your experience, view on anxiety, do let me know in comments.

Together we can build healthy, happy & sane world.


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Fear in the form of anxiety arises as a reaction of the mobilization of the body to any uncertain situation when you cannot be sure of the prognosis of its outcome. Uncertainty makes people anxious to one degree or another.
This is a normal healthy human reaction that helps him adapt to a changing world.
Problems occur when this condition becomes permanent and even worse. All this is called stress.
Situational stress is normal.
Chronic stress is exhausting and destructive.

There is such a good motto in life - do what you think is necessary and come what may. Not everything in this life is in our power :)

Страх в виде тревожности возникает как реакция мобилизации организма на любую неопределённую ситуацию, когда ты не можешь быть уверенным в прогнозе её исхода. Неопределённость заставляет людей тревожиться в той или иной степени.
Это нормальная здоровая реакция человека, которая помогает ему приспосабливаться в меняющемся мире.
Проблемы наступают тогда, когда это состояние становится постоянным и ещё усиливается. Всё это называется стрессом.
Ситуативный стресс - это нормально.
Хронический стресс истощает силы и разрушает.

Есть такой хороший жизненный девиз - делай, как считаешь нужным и будь, что будет. Не всё в этой жизни в нашей власти :)

  ·  3 months ago (edited)

Yes, you are right. The uncertainty or fear of uncertainty plays a major role in triggering anxiety responses. You also accurately described how stress can become chronic and impact an individual's healthy functioning. The aim of the article is to help people recognise these issues at an early stage and seek assistance from healthcare professionals in the relevant field.

Psychologists, to whom it has become a habit to seek help, are not medical professionals.
This is already the field of psychiatry, with pills, injections, lobotomy ... :)
I do not think that a psychiatrist is needed for anxiety.

And where is the guarantee that when a person comes to a psychologist with his problems, he will not leave him with additional problems of a psychologist?
Cockroaches crawl from one head to another with pleasure)))

Психологи, к которым стало привычкой обращаться за помощью, не являются медицинскими работниками.
Это уже область психиатрии, с таблетками, уколами, лоботомией... :)
Не думаю, что при тревожности нужен психиатр.

И где гарантия того, что придя к психологу со своими проблемами, человек не уйдёт от него с дополнительными проблемами психолога?
Тараканы из одной головы с удовольствием переползают в другую )))

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Curated by : @stef1

Hi @djvijay it was a nice discovery of your blog yesterday while I was doing curation. I like the way how you write and also reflection of what is happening with such a personal touch.

Family planning is always very stressful step, because many things needs to be considered and as you mentioned yourself the most important thing is our inner world, that we can not cheat and it feels everything and knows when it is better time for our body to be ready for such important step.

Sometimes it might take couple of years so please do not get worried too much, relax and enjoy your life day by day and hope everything happens naturally :)

  ·  3 months ago (edited)

Hey @stef1, thank you so much for your kind words. Your response created a sense of belonging and security in me. Importance of meaningful social connect I will address in the next series.

Yes, I suggested her to go to therapist, because I was once in severe depression and denial, and nobody around me realised it. I lost many productive and enriching years as a result.
The aim of the article is to raise awareness about this issue.

I now feel happy, healthy, and am able to approach stress much more rationally and emotionally than before.

Thanks again.
Have a good day