Some flower stalks put together, then paddies and rice are put in a plate. The term of Tepung Tawar [Peusijuek] in our area is mentioned, usually used for a customary welcoming ceremony in an event. I managed to capture some rare images in our tradition at a newlyweds' reception.
All of the tools in the procession of Tepung Tawar [Peusijuek] are usually dipped in water which is usually served in a container, then sprinkled on the bride (at marriage), guest of honor (at ceremonial events) and so forth. I have a pictures where these Tepung Tawar are held.
Note : Peusijuek is an old Acehnese tradition. this tradition is one of the relics of Hindu culture. Hindu culture in Aceh is caused by the relationship between Aceh and India in the past. Then indirectly this tradition became inherent in the people of Aceh. After that Peusijuek has become a tradition handed down to the people of Aceh. There are several Peusijuek processions carried out such as Peusijuek married people, Peusijuek settling in a new home, Peusijuek a new train, Peusijuek returning for pilgrimage and others.