Work from the boat, but not a boatman!

in hive-185836 •  4 years ago 

WhatsApp Image 20200502 at 07.15.12 3.jpeg

They are not boat people, only fishing activities on the banks of the Cunda river, the city of Lhokseumawe, every day spending their time on a boat to catch fish in the river.

Nothing looks special, the huts that were erected above the river were just ordinary, other than as a place to rest, large nets were also installed there. When you enter the area of the city I live in, you will see their activities throughout the day.

There was no concern about Corona in their minds like nothing was happening here at this time. Their daily activities continue as usual. Sometimes we think, it seems like doing the same activities with them is more exciting than living on land which is limited by the social distance between Coronavirus every day. This afternoon I caught a few pictures of their whereabouts on the riverbank, also interesting to watch.

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Mereka bukanlah manusia perahu, hanya saja aktivitas nelayan di bantaran sungai Cunda, kota Lhokseumawe ini saban hari menghabiskan waktu mereka di atas perahu untuk menjaring ikan di sungai tersebut.

Tidak ada yang terlihat istimewa, Gubuk-gubuk yang didirikan diatas sungai itu pun hanya biasa saja, selain sebagai tempat istirahat, jala besar juga dipasang disana. Bila anda memasuki wilayah kota saya berdomisili ini, maka anda akan melihat aktivitas mereka sepanjang hari.

Tidak ada kekhawatiran tentang Corona di benak mereka, seperti tidak sedang terjadi apa-apa disini saat ini. Aktivitas keseharian mereka pun berlanjut seperti biasanya. Terkadang kita berpikir, sepertinya beraktivitas sama dengan mereka lebih mengasyikkan ketimbang tinggal di daratan yang saban hari dibatasi jarak social antar sesama gegara Coronavirus. Sore tadi saya menangkap beberapa gambar keberadaan mereka di bantaran sungai, menarik juga untuk dicermati.

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WhatsApp Image 20200502 at 07.15.12 2.jpeg

WhatsApp Image 20200502 at 07.15.12.jpeg

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