The mosquitos are the most annoying creatures in the world, because of the annoying noise they make and because one can easily compare their bite to a sharp result cut. By the end of this write-up, I will prove to you that the world needs mosquitoes despite their annoying style of existence. Every day people ask why mosquitoes even exist. For starters, before you start hating on all the mosquitoes, **Do you know that not all mosquitoes bite?** Yes, only the females called Anopheles stephensi
do so, don't hate on poor male mosquitoes
that have done nothing wrong to you in fact, male mosquitoes only rely on plants for their food while females need blood to produce and develop their eggs. The same eggs don't play an important role in our planet. Would you believe me if I told you that mosquitoes can produce 300 eggs at one time and female mosquitoes can lay eggs up to three times before they die? That is about 1000 Baby mosquitoes per month. No wonder there are 110 trillion mosquitoes in the world that is loud some zeros and that is 16,000 mosquitoes to one human being. I know what you're thinking, why does the world even need that huge number of biting mosquitoes? Well, first let's take a look at the habitat of mosquitoes. The Baby mosquitoes called wigglers spend their firsthand days in water before they learn how to fly and for these babies to be made, their parents first had to do some actions. You won't believe the fact that the mosquitoes you hate can be pretty romantic, too, because they have their very own unique dance they perform before mating, they call and romantically respond to their partners by beating their wings. Sometimes their wings even beat in perfect sync. The fact is that Mosquitoes don't have teeth, but they bite hard. No other animal is more deadly than these tiny little creatures. Not a snake, not a shark not a crocodile bite can be compared when mosquitoes are in a group. mosquitoes are responsible for around 1 million deaths every year because of the diseases they are known to spread like malaria, Zika virus, and dengue labs. Hence, how irritating they can make them the most hated animal in the world.
With all that being said let me prove to you that the world needs mosquitoes. Not many people know about this. Just like bees and butterflies mosquitoes are pollinators that means without them 1000s 10s of plant species wouldn't be pollinated and they wouldn't be able to form seeds and reproduce. That means we would no longer have some really important plants on our planet. And not only that mosquitoes are also very important for animals. that feed on both are told and mosquito eggs like fish, birds, bats, frogs, and flies. They are an important part of our food chain. If anyone could just make all the ingredients of mosquitoes disappear, believe it or not, it would have really bad consequences on our planet. There's only one lesson I want you to take out of this write-up and that is, no matter how irritating and deadly mosquitoes are, we need them and that everything created by God is very good.