Graduating Class Challenge: DAY 13

in hive-185836 •  6 months ago 

DAY 13 - 27th July, 2024: TDB or Not/ Main Campus or Skills/ Workshop or Laboratory/ Class or Tutorial/ Group Reading or Personal Reading/ Best Result vs Worst Result.

Still of the [2023 Graduating Class Challenge] Day 13 which should be on 27th July.

TDB or Not

TDB is our acronym for Till Day Breaks, which means reading/studying throughout the night.
For me I don't do TDB regularly except during examination period or when I have projects to work on, then I can stay up all night. During Exam periods I do TBD stretch depending on how the exam timetable appears, if it appears that I have exam throughout the week or three or four days in the week, that's how I stay awake studying.
TDB helps me a lot due to my busy schedules in student unionism, thought I study normally during the day and also before exam, but I put more energy during exam to gain better grades.


Main Campus or Skills

In my Institution, Federal University Otuoke, Bayelsa State, Nigeria, Main Campus is our East Campus while Skills is our West Campus.
During my first year, I mostly have lectures at West Campus but from my second year, we moved to East Campus which is where my Faculty (Faculty of Engineering) is located.
The distance between the Main Campus and Skills is like three kilometers - 3kms away from each other. The unique thing about the West Campus (Skills) is that Faculty of Management Sciences and our School Health Center is located there and going down inside is the Boys Hostel mostly for year one students and students that wishes not to stay off campus.

Workshop or Laboratory

I love working in both the Workshop and Laboratory. The difference is the in workshop we do more of hard works like welding, carpentry, milling and other mechanical works, while in the laboratory we do more of programmings, simulations, using the CNC machine to execute some works, hydraulic, pneumatic and electrical works.
Depending on the kind of work I want to carry out, will determine the which of them I will go and also when I have Practicals.

Group Reading or Personal Reading

I have reading mates or friends I read together with but before I come out to read with them I love reading alone first. Reasons is that I will help me prepare some questions from areas I don't understand well that I will ask my friends and if they have answers to it, they will answer if not we will tackle the questions together, and also reading personal before coming out to read with them helps me gain more understanding in some areas that my friends questions might be coming from.
Is in all, I enjoy and love both Personal Reading and Group Reading.

Best Result vs Worst Result

My Second Year, Second Semester Result was and has been the my best result so far, despite been the most challenging semester for me, I still made good grades with the GPA of 5.00.
My first year, first semester result was low with the GPA of 4.15 and second semester GPA been 4.23, but my worst result was my third year second semester which I had a GPA of 4.68, I took as my worst result because I never expected such grades from myself and my dedication that semester was poor compared to how normally do.

Here is My Result Summary

Result Summary.png

Do you have a similar story or a different experience? Share yours let me know.

Stay tuned for the next challenge.

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