I just read this article on The Daily Mail about Wordle, it is mostly about how difficult the puzzle has become and how frustrated a lot of people are getting after the New York Times bought it, This is the Article.
I had never heard about Wordle until a few weeks ago and had never played it until this week, so I had four days of getting the correct answer every day, but today I was stumped, on the Daily Mail article they have this photograph with today's puzzle:
I must say my last try was SKILL, and I felt deflated when it was wrong, then it showed me the correct answer and despite what the article says it is a real word. But the truth is, you can reach a point where you have four correct letters including their placing and yet you have four letters that make a word, so then picking the correct letter is down to luck not to skill. This takes away from the game.
But at least after reading the article I knew I wasn't the only one who had a bad Wordle day today, and I forgot to tell you I also play a game a day in Spanish and I could not get the word today either. But I do think the game is cool, I have guessed the word twice with only two correct letters but not in their place, yet on the sixth try I knew what the answer was. I have always been good at games like this one.