Good evening, friends Steemit, I hope we are all in good health.
On this occasion I will share some photos of beautiful grass flowers.
Shrubby False Buttonweed or Spermacoce verticillata is a genus of flowering plants in the Rubiaceae family, comprises about 275 species found throughout the tropics and subtropics. The highest diversity is found in America, followed by Africa, Australia and Asia. This species is a small plant or shrub with small to medium size, four lobed flowers arranged in a capitate inflorescence. Some have bright and attractive petals, especially the Australian species.
Shrubby False Buttonweed is a perennial, hairless or almost like weed, usually erect and simple or sparsely branched, often multi-branching from the base, usually 40 cm or less in height, with tetragon-shaped stems. Leaves unstalked or nearly the same, linear or lance-linear, mostly 1.5-4 cm long and 1.5-6 mm wide, generally serrated 1, often with smaller blades at the armpits. The flower heads are borne mainly at the top but occasionally emerge also from the axillary upper leaves, giving the appearance of distant clusters. The terminal head is affixed by 2 or 4 leaf-like leaves. Hypanthium hairy on top, 2 sepals in the form of narrow triangles, 1.5 mm long or less. The flowers are white, 3 mm long, the outer petals are on top, the petals are almost the same as the tube. Anthers stick out. Capsules 2.5 mm long, brown seeds.
thus my post tonight, I hope you like it, and have a nice day.
thank you for visiting my blog
regards @girls-steem
Photography | Shrubby False Buttonweed |
Camera used | OPPO A5 |
Location Photo | ACEH FOREST |
Photographer | @girls-steem |