A warship from a close-up
Was made in 1942 in Boston,USA and later on 1958 after being refurbished it was given to the then Greek Royal Navy along with three others of the same type as part of the of mutual assistance between the USA and GREECE.
On 1991 the ship was decommissioned once having sailed a complete of 362,662 shipping miles and In 1994, by call of the Ministry of Defence it had been selected as a"Museumf the Anti-Dictatorial Struggle" A/T VELOS" which operates as a museum to this day.
It is open to the public and anyone can visit it inside for the price of two to three euros
you can click on any photo in order to see the image in full screen
All photos have been taken with Nikon coolpix S3600
I admit that this was the first time i was in front of a warship and although i am not at all warlike...i was really amazed at the sight and the size of it.