Travel | Road | To the village

in hive-185836 •  14 days ago 

Hi all!

My wife suggested that I go to her grandmother in the village. For three or four weeks. And I thought that I would refuse because I have a lot of work. But then I agreed and simply suggested that it would be possible to take a computer and Internet access with me.


I won’t say that this is a complete vacation, but it’s better than sitting in the city within four walls. There is time to take a walk in the fresh air. And there is also time to work.


I hope my health will improve. Because here there is fresh air and all the products are our own. From eggs to tomatoes with cucumbers, but I’m generally silent about various greens.


To be continued...

Peace and goodness to all!

📷CameraCanon EOS 700D
LensEF-S 18-55MM IS STM

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