Travel | Water | Soft and Rough water

in hive-185836 •  5 days ago 

Hi all!

Every three days we go to the spring, which is located in the center of the city, for water. Since some of us cannot drink the soft water that is in the tap. Well, there is an opinion that spring water is more useful.


I was surprised as in the middle of the day. When many people show up at work near the spring there are not long queues. I can say for myself that I like both types of water. Although if you swim in soft water, it’s difficult to understand whether you washed off the soap or not.
The spring itself is located 10-25 meters from the center and, to be more precise, you just need to go down a short distance from the main street.


This spring was built thanks to the support of Bulgaria and the United Nations. And this investment truly brings positive results for the entire village. No matter who I talk to, everyone is happy that they have such a spring and a choice in drinking water.


To be continued...

Peace and goodness to all!

📷CameraCanon EOS 700D
LensEF-S 18-55MM IS STM

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