Travel | Wind generators | We live in interesting times

in hive-185836 •  12 days ago 

Hi all!

Just a couple of years ago, we did not have one solar panel or one wind generator in our country. Especially on an industrial scale. But finally all the laws have been adopted and everything is coordinated and we have green energy.


The other day I saw a promotional video about how our craftsmen have come up with solar panels without sides, thus they do not collect dust and snow on their solar panels.


But let's return to our big powerful wind generators. I really wanted to get closer to them and touch them. I don’t know why, but I really wanted to. But unfortunately it didn’t work out because our daughter was with us and we had to get there faster.
I admit I am very delighted with what I saw. Since I also saw solar panels on a large scale, but unfortunately did not have time to photograph them.


To be continued...

Peace and goodness to all!

📷CameraCanon EOS 700D
LensEF-S 18-55MM IS STM

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