Yes! You can make money by trading if you do it right. Here are some tips to help you succeed...
Do your own research before you start investing! There are many options out there that claim they are the best way to invest. Some claim to be 'proven' while others claim to be the latest trend. I recommend starting off slow and learning what works for you. Once you learn how to trade correctly, you'll have the confidence to trade more aggressively.
Don't try to catch a falling knife. When a stock drops, don't try to buy at its lowest point because you might miss out on even bigger gains. Wait until it comes back up.
Keep your emotions under control. Many traders lose their shirt because of too much emotion (happiness or sadness). If you're feeling something, then acknowledge it without acting upon it.
Avoid buying into rumors. It's hard to know if the rumor is true and if it is, it may not last long anyways. Rumors usually become false after the public figures behind them gain some sort of profit from it.
Trade in markets where you understand the fundamentals. This means avoiding penny stocks, which should only be traded by people who already have a lot of experience. Look for large cap companies and industries that you understand well.
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