(Esp-Eng) Caerse Implica Levantarse// Falling Down Means Getting Up

in hive-185836 •  4 years ago 

(Esp-Eng) Caerse Implica Levantarse// Falling Down Means Getting Up


Hola Steemians, es un gusto que estés acá. Hace unos días sucedieron acontecimientos a mi alrededor en los que pude darme cuenta que caernos emocionalmente no es el problema, el asunto radica en levantarnos.

Incluso caer trae consigo valiosas lecciones de vida que nos permiten crecer, enfrentarnos a nuevos retos, superar obstáculos, y hasta adaptarnos a algo novedoso

Caer y estar en el suelo emocional donde nos colocan muchas circunstancias es simplemente esa sensación de ahogo que experimentamos al sentirnos derrotados, frustrados, tristes y sin ninguna o muy poca motivación. Es ese hueco donde nuestra mente nos ha sumergido luego de que las cosas no salen como esperábamos y del cual muchas veces creemos no poder salir airosos.

Caernos es parte del proceso de madurez psicológica que todos pasamos en alguna etapa de nuestra vida, es parte del crecer porque su gran enseñanza es que debemos aprender a levantarnos.

Al levantarnos, estamos sacando esa fuerza sobrenatural que todos llevamos por dentro y que a veces creemos que no existe, pero sepan que siempre esta allí, sólo que hay que accionar el botón de la voluntad para que se active.

Levantarnos es poner en marcha nuestra fortaleza interna, es aprender la lección y seguir adelante, significa secarnos las lagrimas, guardarnos el llanto y ponernos de pie ante las circunstancias, pisando firme y luchando.

Para llegar a levantarnos primero debimos haber caído, es algo lleno de lógica, y por ende mas que renegar de la caída, busquemos pararnos con nuevas energías y mayor firmeza.

Hello Steemians, it's a pleasure to have you here. A few days ago events happened around me in which I could realize that falling emotionally is not the problem, the issue lies in getting up.
Even falling brings with it valuable life lessons that allow us to grow, face new challenges, overcome obstacles, and even adapt to something new.

Falling and being on the emotional floor where many circumstances place us is simply that feeling of suffocation that we experience when we feel defeated, frustrated, sad and without any or very little motivation. It is that hole where our mind has submerged us after things do not go as we expected and from which we often believe we cannot get out of.

Falling down is part of the psychological maturity process that we all go through at some stage of our lives, it is part of growing up because its great lesson is that we must learn to get up.
When we get up, we are bringing out that supernatural strength that we all carry inside and that sometimes we believe does not exist, but know that it is always there, you just have to push the button of willpower to activate it.

To get up is to put our inner strength into action, it is to learn the lesson and move forward, it means to dry our tears, to keep the crying to ourselves and to stand up in the face of circumstances, stepping firmly and fighting.

To get up we must first have fallen, it is something full of logic, and therefore rather than denying the fall, let us seek to stand up with new energy and greater firmness.




Actualmente estamos en situaciones retadoras que han hecho que nuestra fortaleza emocional y espiritual caiga en diversas oportunidades, y ademas no sólo lo hemos visto en carne propia sino que a nuestro alrededor nos ha tocado incluso servir de apoyo para muchos al levantarse.

Esta palabra es muy importante, el apoyo, esa mano amiga que nos sirve de bastón para impulsarnos y levantarnos y que en ciertas ocasiones nos rehusamos a pedirlo o a aceptarlo.

El apoyo y la solidaridad es lo que en esta pandemia nos ha levantado, es lo que muchos compatriotas han podido recibir en nuevas tierras para levantarse en suelo desconocido y es el apoyo lo que requerimos inunde los corazones para que salgamos adelante en esta hermosa tierra venezolana y en la esfera planetaria.

Te invito a tomarte unos minutos y reflexionar sobre esas caídas tan fuertes que piensas que el tu corazón se quebrara en mil pedazos y en cómo te levantaste de ellas. Piensa en las veces que gracias tu apoyo alguien más pudo levantarse y siente el orgullo de saber que no quedaste en el suelo tirado, sino que te pusiste de pie con mayor grandeza.

We are currently in challenging situations that have caused our emotional and spiritual strength to fall on several occasions, and besides we have not only seen it in our own flesh but around us we have even served as support for many to get up.

We are currently in challenging situations that have caused our emotional and spiritual strength to fall on several occasions, and besides we have not only seen it in our own flesh but around us we have even had to serve as support for many to get up.

This word is very important, the support, that helping hand that serves us as a cane to push us and lift us up and that sometimes we refuse to ask for it or to accept it.

Support and solidarity is what in this pandemic has lifted us up, it is what many compatriots have been able to receive in new lands to rise up in unknown soil and it is the support that we need to flood our hearts so that we can move forward in this beautiful Venezuelan land and in the planetary sphere.

I invite you to take a few minutes and reflect on those falls so hard that you think your heart will break into a thousand pieces and how you got up from them. Think about the times that thanks to your support someone else was able to get up and feel the pride of knowing that you were not left lying on the ground, but that you stood up with greater greatness.



Espero que te haya gustado este post y que cada vez que te hayas levantado tu crecimiento siga progresando.

I hope you liked this post and that every time you woke up your growth continues to progress.

Gracias por Estar Alli/ Thank you for being there



Fuente de las imágenes, editadas con Canva.com/ Source of images, edited with Canva.com:



Traductor empleado Deepl.com/ Employed translator Deepl.com


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