Mario the Penguin - Writing competition "124" based on my digital image.

in hive-185836 •  2 years ago 


Source: Photo taken from the publication of the contest.

In the Antarctic Ocean there is a Floating Laboratory where scientists can go to study the behavior of animals in that area, among them is the Emperor Penguin who is at risk of extinction and is monitored 24 hours a day.

Among the penguins that migrated during their migration season, Mario was the only one who stayed and this alarmed all the inhabitants of the Polar Pod since Mario is a very active penguin and very given to sharing with his friends. He is always seen together his penguin friends and next to an orca swimming and playing.

The laboratory went into action and retained Mario to do their respective examinations and treatment. They isolated it inside a cage that was in the laboratory compound and began their examination. Yes, Mario was sick. An unknown disease was detected that had caused him to decline and that is why he did not migrate along with his herd this year.

In the Polar Pod they found an incredible and wonderful find, Mario's friends were outside, including an Orca, waiting for encouraging news about Mario's health. The scientists and inhabitants of the floating laboratory were with a small heart seeing the reaction of these animals that many people believe that they do not feel or think.

15 days passed and Mario had reacted very slowly to the treatments. The scientists were concerned because on April 25, in the celebration of World Penguin Day, Mario would do his show like every year. Mario is the star in each show and where knowledge about these beautiful featherless and wingless birds is imparted.

After a month Mario was completely cured. The party was huge in the floating laboratory and on solid ground. Everyone was happy for Mario's recovery and when he was released we were surprised by something: There was a cute little penguin waiting for Mario. His fins moved as a sign of hugs, what a surprise. So the scientists were even more happy since Mario could do his job of multiplying and reducing the risk of extinction.

The scientists and inhabitants of the floating laboratory looked proudly and with great pleasure at all the party that the animals had outside. When suddenly they saw that they were already going to the sea and Mario turned around and moved his fin as if to say: Goodbye and thanks for everything!!!
We will continue to see each other since we will have Mario for a few more years.


Source: Paul Carroll - Unsplash

Original story by @isabelpena, created exclusively for this contest.

Sources that helped me create Mario's story:

Mario, el Pinguino.

En el Oceano Antartico existe un Laboratorio Flotante donde los cientificos pueden ir a estudiar el comportamiento de los animales de esa zona, entre ellos esta el Pinguino Emperador quien esta en riesgo de extincion y tienen vigilancia las 24 horas del dia.

Entre los pinguinos que migraron en su temporada de migracion, Mario fue el unico que se quedo y esto alarmo a todos los habitantes del Polar Pod ya que Mario es un Pinguino muy activo y muy dado a compartir con sus amigos, Siempre se le ve junto a sus amigos pinguinos y al lado de una orca nadando y jugando.

El laboratorio entro en accion y retuvo a Mario para hacerle sus respectivos examenes y tratamiento. Lo aislaron dentro de una jaula que habia en el recinto del laboratorio y comenzaron su examinacion. Si, Mario estaba enfermo. Se le detecto una enfermedad desconocida que lo habia hecho decaer y por eso no migro junto con su manada este año.

En el Polar Pod encontraron un hallazco increible y maravilloso, los amigos de Mario estaban afuera, incluyendo una Orca, esperando noticias alentadoras sobre la salud de Mario. Los cientificos y habitantes del laboratorio flotante estaban con el corazon chiquitico viendo la reaccion de estos animales que muchas personas creen que ellos no sienten ni piensan.

Transcurrieron 15 dias y Mario habia reaccionado muy lentamente a los tratamientos. Los cientificos se preocuparon ya que para el 25 de Abril, en la celebracion del Dia Mundial del Pinguino, Mario haria sus show como cada año. Mario es la estrella en cada show y donde se imparte conocimiento acerca de estas hermosas aves sin plumas ni alas.

Al cabo de un mes Mario se habia curado por completo. La fiesta fue enorme en el laboratorio flotante y en tierra fieme. Todos estaban alegres por la recuperacion de Mario y al dejarlo libre nos sorprendimos de algo: Habia una linda pinguinita esperando por Mario. Sus aletas se movian como señal de abrazos, vaya sorpresa. Asi que los cientificos se alegraron aun mas ya que Mario podia hacer su labor de multiplicarse y disminuir el riesgo de extincion.

Los cientificos y habitantes del laboratorio flotante miraban orgullosamente y con mucho placer toda la fiesta que tenian alla afuera los animales. Cuando de repente vieron que ya se iban al mar y Mario volteo y movio su aleta como diciendo: Adios y gracias por todo !!!
Nos seguiremos viendo ya que tendremos Mario por unos años mas.

Historia original de @isabelpena, creado exclusivamente para este concurso.


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Thank you very much friends.

Love the way you write, thanks for a great story

Thank you very much, I appreciate it.