Last nights sunset
Good morning, beautiful people. Monday has arrived and I woke up this morning with this thought reeling in my mind… how much of my energy gets wasted on (people) and things that don’t actually move me forward? The answer… way too much - which I admit rather reluctantly.It is crazy really that I allow so much head space to stuff which literally just farts away the hours in my day which I could have been using to do something a whole lot more productive, constructive and positively beneficial to me… like sitting here now, writing this… lol.
Old worries, unnecessary obligations, overthinking things that don’t need to be overthought. It’s so easy to get caught up in it all, to carry things that should’ve been left behind long ago. I even find myself often sitting wide eyed in the early hours of the morning donating extra hours to such nonsense, when I should be sleeping.
The reality is we only get so many hours in a day. And I’d much rather spend them fully present, fully alive, giving 100% to the things that truly matter in my life. I don’t want to be half-in, half-out, holding onto things that don’t serve me. Though, I suppose we are all guilty of that at least from time to time… some more than others I guess. Suppose I must be on like pro level for deprioritising myself with thoughts and “what if’s” that don’t need to be there, lol.
And the thing is, I know when I am doing it… I think most of us do - and I will even speak to myself “why are you even giving this any of your energy?!” but alas… on it goes. Life has these little road signs if we just slow down enough to see them… nudging us in the right direction, reminding us when it’s time to let go and move on, but do we always listen? Guilty.
So, today… A fresh start, a little lighter, a little freer… No more excess baggage. Just showing up fully, giving time and energy to what truly deserves it… or at least, that is the intention. I suppose practice makes perfect (eventually, hopefully)
Wishing you all beautiful and intentional day ahead - with thoughts of things ONLY which serve you positively!
Until next time...
Much Love from Country Bumpkinland, South Africa xxx
Typos make me human. I may or may not get around to correcting them.
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