Not every day is GOOD, but there is GOOD in every day.

in hive-185836 •  5 months ago 


“Every day may not be good...
but there's something good in every day”
Alice Morse Earle

I have had that quote reeling around inside my head since things went South again this morning. They say bad things happens in three’s and so far I count two, but I am secretly hoping that my maths is even worse than I already know it is, that I have miscounted, overlooked one or that theory is nonsense.

Not going to get into it, but let’s just say that the expression about life presenting the same challenges over and over again until the lesson is learnt - is pretty much what happened today, in a nutshell.

So, as I said - I have had the above quote on internal repeat. I am not sure if my mind was simply trying to remind me of this, or whether I was trying to convince myself… though it was likely a little bit of both.

I don’t know about any of you… but I don’t generally function very well when I am emotionally stressed. In fact, and depending on what the issue at hand is about… I can sometimes find it completely crippling even in terms of mundane daily activity or responsibility and action.

For that reason, I was not actually going to do anything online today because I tend to retreat into my little hermit cave until I feel better… but I gave myself a mentall slap through the face and told myself that I had better just put on my big girl panties and get on with it… because I know well, that distraction can be a very effective and positive solution to a negative situation or mindset.

So got on with it all, I did… (and will continue to do so into the evening tonight) and I actually came here to do something that I don’t normally do… that being, a little bit of shameless self promo for my art printables…because I really want to kick this printable art thing off the ground - and I will still do that at some point in this post, though it may have lost it’s efficacy after all the above rambling, lol - but I got derailed, and some things are just more important than money.

The reason I brought up the quote at the beginning of this post, is because the decision to step onto steemit a little earlier and write was precisely the little “moment” of distraction I needed to reset myself. It lifted my rather low mood and lightened a pretty heavy burden I have been carrying simply by inadvertently reminding me that I just need to keep going and to keep believing in myself, the fact that I am more than capable of standing on my own two feet and that I should never compromise my personal truth or happiness for the sake of another.

I realise this may all sound a little warped and cryptic, but I am not in the mood to dig into detail because it is not important. What is important, is that coming here - to write, made things better… so thank you for this space and for all the people in it.

Speaking of thanks - the love I received on my somewhat derailed post about Herbie going to hospital yesterday… truly brought me to tears - the happy kind, because it was totally unexpected, but it honestly touched my heart - especially today.

And on that note, our little snoopy is doing much better today, though still being totally dramatic about the bandage on his leg, lol. He was very doped up when he came home yesterday and pretty much stayed that way for the remainder of yesterday.


They ended up cutting the nail back to the nail bed, but all should be well in about a week or so… so very happy that our little fur child is on the mend! He is such a dear little soul and was totally giggle worthy yesterday as he tried to make his way around the garden with a plastic bag wrapped over his bandage as the vet had told us that it cannot get wet at all. Herbie was not impressed, hehe! Anyhoo, he is on the mend and that makes the both Jude and I, very, very happy!


So, now that I have completely derailed my own post - I will attempt to get to the part that I had initially wanted to when I hopped on here earlier… My printables!

Since I sold my business in 2017, I relied entirely on art print or art merch, in order to pay the bills and put food on the table. Steemit has now added to that, though I do genuinely try to give back more than I take from this space.

I have several print on demand shops for my art actually, and have had so for several years now, but sometimes I think that the cost of postage/delivery and/or the merchandise itself can deter buyers and therefore limit the amount of sales I make.

So, I decided to try and bridge that gap by creating a “printable art” shop on Etsy. So essentially, I have spent the last two weeks (and am still busy) uploading my entire digital illustration portfolio into my Etsy store so that for a much, MUCH lower cost - people can purchase the high resolution file and have the art printed themselves locally.

Screenshot 2024-05-29 184321.png

So, this is the “shameless self-promo” I mentioned earlier… though I am not entirely sure it is completely shameless. I am not normally big on “reaching out” but you know what… sometimes it is just necessary and why should there be any shame in sharing what one does anyway, right?!

As I said, I still have a long way to go before I finish adding my full portfolio to this store, but I will get there… one step and one day at a time and as it grows, I would really appreciate your “share” support whether here on Steemit or on other social media which you may still be active on… - but obviously ONLY if you actually like my art! And if you do share it, or even purchase something… please consider this my genuine thanks in advance xxx

Untitled design (1).png

So there it is, a rather long, meandering ramble of a post - but hey… not every post is good, but there is good in every post, haha! Above is a capture of a handful of the pieces available as printable downloads in my store, which FYI are only $4 USD per download, which I thought was very reasonable... not really more than the price of a cup of coffee, and this will hopefully afford people the opportunity to have it printed affordably themselves... or use it in any other way they may prefer. The direct link to my shops are as follows:

Printable Art on Etsy

Giclee Art Prints on Saatchi Art

Home & Lifestyle Products


❤️ I really would appreciate ANY and ALL external shares ❤️


Until next time...
Much Love from Country Bumpkinland, South Africa xxx


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Typos make me human. I may or may not get around to correcting them.

All written content shared here is my property, unless otherwise credited

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If I had a better/bigger house - more empty I would buy it. No idea how to print it or let someone do it for me. Never used etsy but I'm going to have a look. I love your art, perhaps not each peace of it, but I do like the colours it's so lively. I try to avoid hanging anything to my walls so they won't tumble down.

I will have a look at your etsy if I figure it out.

Are your doggie and the bag already friends, sure the bandage isn't wet already?

It's not selfish to promote your skills you are a great artist and need someone to promote you.

I wonder what the original sizes are if printed and send. Ever had an exhibition? Somecould brighten up libraries, restaurants, lunchrooms and those dull waiting rooms at doctors, dentists and vets. With us hospitals show art for sale as well.

Thank you for the kind compliment sweetheart! I appreciate it very much! Nobody would expect another to like every piece haha - some of them are pretty dark too - but they are all a part of my journey, so I accept and embrace them all, even if they no longer "speak" to me. They did at one point in time and that is the point of it all I suppose :)

Do not worry to try and figure Etsy out :) I just wanted to get the word out there... you know. Eyes are eyes as they say :)

I wonder what the original sizes are if printed and send.

They are digital files that you can download and have printed yourself... so that is up to you. (Proportionately, obviously)

Ever had an exhibition?

Oh hell no!! haha! That was my moms thing. I am nowhere near that sort of thing. Though I would love to get there one day... I mean, have my own gallery.

Somecould brighten up libraries, restaurants, lunchrooms and those dull waiting rooms at doctors, dentists and vets. With us hospitals show art for sale as well.

I appreciate the positive inspiration sweet soul! I suppose I just need to find more confidence in my work first :) but thank you!!! Your gesture does not go unappreciated!

I love your dark onesand with me many will so have the confidence.
If I see you on X it's always a goid morning.

A great evening and sleep tight. You get there.
