Canned celebrationsteemCreated with Sketch.

in hive-185836 •  18 days ago  (edited)


A bit of a celebration today - but it's canned, from old stock!
It would be interesting to suggest playing a guessing game - how many will be able to correctly answer the question of what is shown in this photo? I won't offer to play (and I don't have a big prize pool to entice you...)

Anyway, this is a very old photo and I have fond memories of it.
This is a fragment of a holiday - people dance and have fun, celebrate Christmas...


...and listen to performances by singers and animators, stand-up artists. Performances of course took place on stage - and here its time to reveal this week WoX photography challenge suggested topic was: 'On stage'.
More details on the contest.
If you liked my photo, please vote my entry (by the link above).


Those folks were invited to the stage and given a lesson how to have fun!
The lesson was successful... and fruitful, bringing smiles to the faces - at least for a few hours.


One of my fave captures from that evening: a young girl, artist of a drumming genre, after entering the stage gave a joke: "For years I dreamed of saying from this stage: hello, St.Petersburg! And now my dream came true in a rather strange way, so I say: Hello, Peter!.." It was one of the funniest highlights of the evening for me, still memorable.


Of course, since then I have captured many other artists singing and dancing onstage, showing tricks, blowing soap bubbles etc etc etc... - but I selected this oldie event to present you cause these frames are less straightforward, the color is non-trivia, and it all leave a lot of room for your imagination; hope you enjoyed it. Let me round up my post here.

100% SP (manual translation to SP)

Thank you to all curators for support!!!

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