Good day everyone. I just joined this kind of community and have been looking for this kind of community for a long time to share my weird photos and some places I've been to even if it's just nearby. I'm happy and as time goes on, Steemit is returning to its former vigor. I am happy and there is also an active community and English is the language, even though I am a Filipino from the Philippines.

In pictures and writing I can express my feelings even if it is just a short story. I also like to comment on interesting blogs especially if it has a pleasing image. Usually, I put my own image, with a background of nature, flowers, sometimes my garden, or whatever is available that is beautiful to behold and pleasant.
I don’t deny that I’m on different platforms as well, but what I’m sharing are originals.

I am not fond of contests but sometimes I join for the community to help and also for my beloved Steemit website. I have also been with Steemit for a long time and I can say that I have contributed a lot to Steemit to spread it in the Philippines to Filipinos as well as here in the middle east. Hopefully, my prayer is that the events of the past will not happen again. Let's just face the future and appreciate what we have, and hopefully, no one will abuse and over-power like before.
Thank you and may God Bless us all people...