Nutritionists advise us to eat small amounts frequently. This made me wonder: what is the healthy daily dose of envy that motivates us to succeed, and where is the line where it becomes like holiday overeating? I’ve often encountered it - seen others experience it, and I must admit, I’ve felt it deeply within myself. That’s why I decided to try and calculate, as much as possible, its range of influence. The Minimum Dose - this is a completely harmless amount. We encounter it almost in passing - like seeing the neighbor's new car, for example. It’s simply part of daily life. Inevitable, but not absolutely necessary. Fortunately, it’s fleeting. One Portion - with this daily intake, ambition emerges. When you see someone else’s successes, you start wishing for those achievements to become your own. You begin to improve yourself little by little, work hard, and become more demanding of yourself. This makes it easier to overcome challenges and reach your personal goals. This kind of envy is useful because it’s directed toward something positive and creative.
One and a Half Portions - this is the borderline between creative and destructive envy. People who consume envy in this dose walk a fine line and can easily tip into extremes - harboring contempt for others while losing their self-respect.
Two Portions or More - this is a dangerously high level of envy. It fosters bitterness, turns you into a schemer, and provokes your worst traits. I reflected on how many people have been ruined because of it. The tale of Snow White is a good example: the stepmother, envious of her beauty, does everything she can to eliminate her, only to lose everything herself in the end due to her vanity and jealousy.
A little glance at what belongs to others does no harm - much like a slice of pie. A dose of envy can give us strength and motivate us to succeed. But with strong envy, we need willpower and perseverance to prevent it from poisoning our thoughts, emotions, and inner peace.