The Lantana Camara flower is a shrub and its height varies between 0.5 and 1.5 meters more or less. Lantana Camara leaves are simple and can be light or dark green, depending on the variety.
Its flowers are very peculiar and beautiful. At first, they are yellow, then they change to orange until finally, they turn red. This color change starts from the outer flower's edge and goes towards the center, that's why we can find flowers of the three colors because it is experiencing this transition.

One of the main characteristics of these plants is their blooms. Almost all frequently cultivated species have a perennial flowering throughout the year if high temperatures prevail. The inflorescences can be plenty and show different patterns of coloration depending on the species that is cultivated. If several species are grown, plants with different colored blooms would be observed increasing the beauty of the garden.

The showiness and permanence of flowers in these plants are very attractive to different nectarivorous insects such as butterflies. A garden like that will considerably increase the visit of butterflies in the area, and it will be extremely attractive to look at it. Furthermore, more than one species of butterfly will be observed, that is, many-colored patterns flying from flower to flower.