Flux AI: Fake it till you make it? [eng/срп] Flux AI: Лажима до успеха?

in hive-185836 •  last month  (edited)

Source / Извор: flux-ai.net

There is a new kid at the ‘AI’ block. Is it any better than the previous tentative attempts in promotion of fake artificial intelligence?

Here is what they say about themselves:

“Flux Image Generator is a state-of-the-art open-source AI Image Model developed by Black Forest Labs, the creators of Stable Diffusion. It represents a significant advancement in AI-powered image generation, offering improved image quality, detail, and output diversity.”

In practice, it seems that they have solved the problem of human fingers... You could unmistakably recognize all previous models of artificial 'intelligence' by the six, seven or more fingers of people in the generated images. Flux can boast of its examples…

Имамо новог клинца у ‘ВИ’ блоку. Је ли бољи од претходних покушаја промоције лажне вештачке интелигенције?

Ево шта они кажу о себи:

„Флукс генератор слика најсавременији је модел ВИ отвореног кода који је развио Блек Форест Лабс, творци ‘Стејбл Дифусиона’. Значајан је напредак у генерисању слика помоћу вештачке интелигенције, нудећи побољшани квалитет слике, детаља и излаза.”

У пракси, изгледа да су решили проблем људских прстију… Све досадашње моделе вештачке ‘интелигенције’ могли сте непогрешиво препознати по шест, седам и више прстију особа на генерисаним сликама. Флукс може да се похвали својим примерима…

Flux fingers-2024-08-31_180247.JPG
Source / Извор: flux-ai.net

But not with ours! Well, almost… 🤣😂🤣

Али не и нашим! Замало… 🤣😂🤣

Prompt: Girl with a beautiful fingernails flux-ai.net

Did they at least solve the problem of the chess board?

Јесу ли макар решили проблем шаховске табле?

Karpov and Kasparov at  the chess board with a starting position.jpg
Prompt: Karpov and Kasparov at the chess board with a starting position flux-ai.net

OK, that was far too tough for the ‘intelligence’ to figure out. Let’s try something easier. For example, a calendar and a clock…

Добро, то је изгледа за ‘интелигенцију’ претешко. Да пробамо нешто простије. На пример, календар и сат…

Cat with a calendar and a clock.jpg
Prompt: Cat with a calendar and a clock flux-ai.net

ai-image (1).jpg
Prompt: Cat with a calendar and a clock black and white drawing flux-ai.net

Still, you can play with it. But never forget to read previous instances on the links below, explaining

why ‘AI’ does not exist and who needs those fake expert systems promoted as ‘Artificial Intelligence’

Можете се ипак поиграти. Али никад не заборавите да прочитате текстове који објашњавају

зашто ‘ВИ’ не постоји, и коме је неопходно да лажљиве експертске системе назива ‘вештачком интелигенцијом’

Duration / Трајање: 9:41

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Checkmate in 19!?

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THE WAR: Debunking ‘AI’ – Criteria of a genuine AI (Part II of III) [eng/срп] РАТ: Демистификација ‘ВИ’ – Критеријуми истинске ВИ (део II од III)

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Thank you very much for your support, @steemcurator03

Thank you! this is an intresting and useful info, I definitely give it a little attention.
lol at Karpov/Kasparov's photo: the chessmen thinking with his hand resting over the board, right on the fingers.... a vivid sign this images generator might became more skilled - but still brain-less xD

"🎉 Hey fellow Steemians! 🤩 I just finished reading 'The War: Debunking ‘AI’ – Chess Intro (Part I of III)' by @lighteye, and I'm loving it so far! 🔥 The way they explain complex concepts in simple terms is truly impressive. 💡 I highly recommend checking it out if you're interested in AI, chess, or just want to learn something new. 🤓 And don't forget to vote for the witness 'xpilar.witness' by going to https://steemitwallet.com/~witnesses - let's keep Steem growing and thriving! 💪 Your support means everything to me and my team. Let's do this, community! 🔥"