📷Travel Photography

in hive-185836 •  17 days ago 

The World of XPILAR - Daily Photo

Travel Photography


God wished to give me the gift of being sensitive
Like a diamond to the light that illuminates it,
To give me a fantastic, impossible soul:

A ballet of color and fantasy!
God wished to make you the ambrosia
Of this strange, burning, incredible passion!
To raise in me the unquenchable torch,
Like a chisel marking an agony!
God wished to make me yours... for nothing!
Vain, my crucified arms,
Useless, those kisses I gave you!
Go! Walk! Where?... But through where?
If with a gesture of yours, the shadow hides
The path of stars that I traced...

"Florbela Espanca"


I am sharing photos of landscapes, moments and experiences. Nature and sea are the most visited themes in my photo collection, but any attention-grabbing aspect can be photographed. Hope you enjoy it...

Location Madagascar



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Lovely <3

Thanks for stopping by :) I really appreciate the support :) Cheers :)

Very beautiful shot wise. I really like the look of this image.

Thanks for stopping by :) I really appreciate the support :) Cheers :)