Hey There?
How are you doing today?
Today, I'm going to share another one of my artworks with you. In my today's post, I'm going to share a drawing that has both scenes of day and light. As I said before in my previous posts that whenever I draw anything, the idea is completely random. Whenever my mood is not good or I don't have anything to. I start drawing. But at first, I think for 5-10 minutes normally. Sometimes it takes more time and sometimes it takes less. And whenever an idea comes to my mind I start drawing it. Not always I can manage to complete it, not every time it becomes a meaningful artwork or a beautiful drawing. But I keep drawing with my random ideas and randomly I usually get one.
My Drawing
I used watercolor and two brushes to complete this drawing. And unfortunately, I was out of offset paper and I wasn't aware of this. That why I had to use one of my notebooks to draw this one.
And another thing, I have some artworks in this notebook which I draw in my free time. I'll also share them with you guys. Though I don't have any steps of them. I think you're gonna like it.
Now, let's see the steps of this artwork.
Step 2:
Final Step:
I really hope that you liked my work. It's always a pleasure to share my work with you guys.
Thanks for your time and support.