Weekly challenge on Steem!!! Food photo / Week #3

in hive-185836 •  4 years ago  (edited)

Hi everybody! Всем привет! Hola a todos! Bonjour à tous! Hallo allerseits! Поздрав свима!

пока червЪ.jpg

New challenge on steem!!!

Weekly food photo #3

Hello my dear!

it's time to announce last week's winners and kick off the next round of the week's challenge.
Let me introduce you a winner of the week #3! This is @veta-less
Reward - 6 Steem
My congratulations! Very appetizing photo!

Today we have a sponsor. Thanks a lot to @xpilar!!! We have the opportunity to announce an additional nomination. Let's just call it -GRAND PRIX-
I want to present this prize ... to... @lighteye
Looking at this wonderful fish I feel like I salivate at the mouth and stomach acid in my stomach

I cannot pass by another wonderful photo. Author is @sayago

Below is a gallery of participants who will receive 1.5 STEEM each

The basic rules:

  • Upvote, Resteem the initial post or Update post
  • Use only your own photos! Any attempt to steal other's work is considered a serious infraction, we will cancel yours qualification permanently
  • Add photo to initial post. The photo can be on any topic, of any quality. No restrictions (except violence and porn)
  • A participant cannot upvote his own photo

It's very easy! Grab your smartphones and take photos of everything edible around you! I am waiting for your photos!


We need sponsors!

I,m asking for support to @steemitblog, @seo-boss, @stephenkendal!
Were are you my dear?! :-)

Please support new challenge!

A special thanks for support to @xpilar!


That,s all for today!

Stand by

Sincerely yours



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My daughter, pizza and olive oil with garlic. I'm behind the scenes with a smartphone. :-))


И вкусненько!

Как здорово, как красиво кадр сделан!!!

Спасибо, Светик!

Felicitaciones @veta-less riquísimo, @lighteye, @sayago, @mamamasha, @olesia, @prostosun y @sahilgupta. Estupendo @mister-omortson.

Congratulations @veta-less yummy. Great @mister-omortson


Llamando a mis amigas cocineras @yurilaya, @marybellrg a participar.

¡Muchas gracias!


Riquísimo se ve. El rey de todo almuerzo es un buen pasticho. 🍝

Gracias @sacra97.

Que rico pasticho, mi bella @sacra97. Mi apoyo por aqui, deja ver que consigo entre mis comiditas. Un abrazote!.

A ese pasticho le hace falta una coca cola bien fría amiga @sacra97 se ve bien rico yo quieroooo.


Es la hora de los hongos. Por eso la mesa tiene setas en escabeche

Аж слюни потекли! Еще рюмочки с водочкой не хватает

Была рюмочка, была!))

¿Hongos en escabeche? Me gustaría degustarlos 🤤

Los hongos son deliciosos. Lástima que no puedas comerlos.

FELICITACIONES A LOS GANADORES!!! Esta será mi entrada Food photo / Week #3

Un almuerzo saludable de Hoy, papas hervidas, pechuga de pollo a la plancha y ensalada de lechuga, tomate y aguacate.


Una comida como a mi me gustan, todo espectacular @yurilaya.

Siempre buenisimas tus comidas, querida @yurilaya. Me encanta la ensalada de aguacate y tomate.

debes tener una mata de aguacate no pela ningun plato je je

Uno de mis platos asi criollitos: Espaguetti con carne molida y platano frito, de adorno una ramita de albahaca, la salsa de la carne la lleva tambien le da un sabor diferente.

Este plato es para @mister-omortson


Que sabrosa combinación querida @zhanavic69 me encantra el platano en la pasta.

a m i tambien pero mas maduro ese fue el que habia je je je igual combina

  ·  4 years ago (edited)

Wow, thank you very much @mister-omortson and congratulations to all the winners this week 😃

For this week I have some revolutionary food:

Fujifilm X-T20, Canon EFs 18–135mm, f/3.5-5.6 IS STM, @50mm, ISO800, 1/34 sec, f5

You can find his whole story at this link:


Congrats to all winners!
Here is my entry:

Вот эт я понимаю!


How to eat this sweet piece?!
So sweet.jpg

Tell us what it is, it looks very creative @izzyvi

Hello @mister-omortson .Congratulations to the winners.

Here my entry


Una deliciosa Pizza con salchichas, pimientos, cebolla,tomate y albahaca.

¡Bon appétit!

Up&resteem at first!

it is done @mister-omortson

Casera y sabrosísima se ve esa pizza mi querida @javima

Gracias mi querida @sacra97 esa la hizo @milabp que realizo un curso de panadería.

Hello. Mr. Omortson. I was also agree with the very attractive photo of @sayago. The saying about "eating with eyes" it's so true. 🤤 Congrats. My entry for this week:

Dulce de lechosa o papaya no tan verde sino bien madura. 😝

Thanks @alegnita!
El dulce de lechoza es uno de mis favoritos. Se ve muy delicioso.

Dulce de lechoza un manjar estupendo @alegnita

El favorito y delicioso de diciembre que ya está cerca 🔔@sayago @sacra97

Have a witness !BEER

Mi entrada al concurso @mister-omortson :

Torta de Pan decorada con galletas de chocolate.


Que sabrosa se ve, crei que era quesillo hasta que lei @mayelis

Estaba divina Amiga @sacra97 mi mamá hasta le agregó pasitas.

Delicious and yummy...!


Transfer 1.500 STEEM to sahilgupta Food photo #3
Transfer 1.500 STEEM to prostosun Food photo #3
Transfer 1.500 STEEM to olesia Food photo #3
Transfer 1.500 STEEM to mamamasha Food photo #3
Transfer 3.000 STEEM to sayago Food photo #3
Transfer 5.000 STEEM to lighteye Food photo #3
Transfer 6.000 STEEM to veta-less winner-winner chicken dinner

Спасибо, с вами интересно!))


  ·  4 years ago (edited)

Thank you very much @mister-omortson
Congratulations to the winners.
