Weekly challenge on Steem!!! Food photo / Week #91

in hive-185836 •  3 years ago 

Hi everybody! Всем привет! Hola a todos! Bonjour à tous! Hallo allerseits! Поздрав свима!




p r e s e n t s

Weekly food photo #91

This week is gone. The next began. That mean It is the to start our weekly challenge. This week we have few participants. This means that each prize pool is divided into fewer parts. And this means that each participant will receive a reward and an increased amount. So... Let's choose the best of the best!

At first we would like to congratulate @apnigrich, who got most number of upvotes.
Prize 1 Steem+WORLD OF XPILAR trail upvote


Now the time has come to reward the authors whose photos were included in the collage in the top of the post. The first one is... is... is... a participant @a-h-p

Prize is 1.5 Steem + WORLD OF XPILAR trail upvote
Our congratulations!



Silver goes to... @wnfdiary
1.25 steem + WORLD OF XPILAR trail upvote


Bronze goes to.... to @manuelgil64
1 steem + WORLD OF XPILAR trail upvote


0.5 steem + WORLD OF XPILAR trail upvote



0.25 steem + WORLD OF XPILAR trail upvote

The participant will get upvote on posts created in the WORLD OF XPILAR community

That,s all for today. Nothing else caught our attention :-(

Competition start on 01 of August and ends on 08 August (payout time)

The basic rules:

  • Upvote, Resteem the initial post or Update post
  • Use only your own photos! Any attempt to steal other's work is considered a serious infraction, we will cancel yours qualification permanently
  • Add photo to initial post. The photo can be on any topic, of any quality. No restrictions (except violence and porn)
  • A participant cannot upvote his own photo

It's very easy! Grab your smartphones and take photos of everything edible around you! I am waiting for your photos!


We need sponsors!

And... we need some steem for prizes

That,s all for today!

Stand by

Sincerely yours




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ВСем привет!
Люля-кебаб на улице Крепостной в старом Выборге. Это произведение армянской кухни, убойная порция вкуснейшего мяса в лаваше с зеленью и всего за 250 рублей (примерно $4)

Hello everyone
Lyulya is a kebab on Serf Street in old Vyborg. This is a work of Armenian cuisine, a killer portion of delicious meat in lavash with herbs and for only 250 rubles (about $4)

¡Hola a todos!
Lyulya-kebab en la calle de la Fortaleza en el viejo Vyborg. Esta es una obra de la cocina Armenia, una porción asesina de deliciosa carne en pan de pita con verduras y solo por 250 rublos (aproximadamente $ 4)

Ispanski uchish'?

Ну как тебе сказать ... )))

Una delicia amigo @bambuka

Se ve muy sabroso, sencillo y delicioso. @bambuka

Muchas gracias @sacra97 :)

Thank you ever so much @mister-omortson It does feel good to be shortlisted here! Congratulations to my friend @apnigrich I love @a-h-p winning photo and its composition. It is great to see featured here all sorts of food, not just fine dining. Cheers and till next time.

Поздравляю победителей!

Для нового этапа салат Самарканд из телятины, редьки дайкон, отварного яйца и хрустящего обжаренного лука. Я его пробовала первый раз и мне очень понравился. Дело было недавно в Костроме в ресторане "Белое солнце".


Felicitaciones a los seleccionados aquí mi participación. Arroz con pollo a la mostaza


De revista

Que color más hermoso de platillo. @betop

Hi @mister-omortson and all the food lovers.

For this round of the contest I would like to share with you this delicious baked chicken thigh with vegetables and roast potatoes.

Unless stated otherwise, all the pictures and the words are mine.
Thanks for stopping by and taking a look.

Camera: Canon EOS 5 Mk III
Lens: Canon 85mm f: 1.8
Processed with Capture One

S'Olivera 127.jpg

Un linda y prolija presentación!

¡Muchas gracias @bellana!

Felicitaciones a los ganadores. Una semana de éxitos @mister-omortson.

Pollo guisado para rellenar empanadas o arepas.


Se vé muy sabroso el pollo, amiga @sacra97

Muchísimas gracias

Se ve muy delicioso!

Muchísimas gracias @bellana si lo estaba, muy rico.

Una colorida forma de guisar pollo, me imagino que es una combinación de sabores estupenda. Suerte

  ·  3 years ago (edited)

Gracias sí estaba delicioso. @betop

Delicioso pollo mi querida @sacra97

Gracias mi bella @javima estaba muy rico.

Saludos amigos
Felicitaciones a los ganadores.

Manjar de Queso con agridulce de fresa y pimientos rojos y verdes.

Saludos, Felicidades a los ganadores...

Weekly food photo #91

Ensalada de Atún

Una delicia colorida mi querida @yurilaya, me encanta la pasta.

Queda deliciosa mi querida @sacra97

Una rica ensalada de atún con pasta

y preparada por mi ;) Saludos @betop

La ensalada de pasta siempre es una delicia mi querida @yurilaya

Hola @mister-omortson, un gusto compartir nuevamente con ustedes.

Mi Participación esta semana:


Milanesa de Pollo con Rodajas de tomate

Me encanta el tomate se ve todo delicioso @bellana

Me alegra que te haya gustado 😊


My entry for contest. Congratulations to winners of the competition. Getting hungry :)

ice cream contest aa.jpg

Nice Ice Cream Twirly Collage

Muchos colores y sabores.

Help yourself, friends, to raspberries. Right from the bush, this berry has now been harvested!



Deliciosa no importa su color.


Это сорт такого цвета? А на вкус отличается от обычной, малиновой?

да сорт такой, жёлтый.
на вкус - сладкая. :)
Красная тоже бывает разная на вкус. Много еще зависит от почвы. Я малину частично высаживал в лесу за ограждением, чтоб как дикая была. Но не хватает влаги. песчаная почвы.

Happy Friday @mister-omortson I would like to enter the food contest with my garlic noodles photo. My family and I had lots of them together with meats and seafood in a Japanese restaurant here in Canada a few days ago. This is a link to my article about the fancy dishes we enjoyed #club5050 Japanese Meal Out (Power Up 12 Steem)


havent seen you here in a while. a great capture again, as always. wish it go to the top. ;=)

Hello Friends!

Congratulations all winners. This is my entry this week:


Delicious Margarita pizza. It was yummy. Hope you like it. 🍕😋

Have a great day my Steemians friends.

Muy sabroso

This contest has been included in the daily Active Contest List

Contest Alerts: Active Contest List on 02nd August 2022 – Win 450+ STEEM

Follow & Resteem for more updates.
#ContestAlerts #winwithsteem

Thank you @mister-omortson for the Bronze Medal! 🥉 🤗

Спасибо большое.
Мой горох выстрелил!

Da gorox inogda strelyaet!


Koreans sometimes cook beef feet or bones with ginseng for a long time.
If you boil the tendons and soft bones for a long time, you will get milk-colored soup.
It is effective in preventing inflammation and prevents Alzheimer's.


Here is my entry. Delicious photos everyone.

Hello. I don't like simple stuff. I propose for the competition here is a photo posted in my post. I take all the pictures myself.


Gracias por la mención encantada de participar 😊 aquí mi entrada

Bolitas verdes de coco y gelatina.

Name: Mixed Noodles

FF2 copy.jpg

Me encanta la pasta


my entry for the challenge this week:
I cook the chantarelles with potatoes.

Name: Mango



Qué rico se ve esto, me encanta. @mayureshpandit

Thank you so much

Congratulations to all Honerable winner
@apnigrich,@a-h-p, @wnfdiary , @manuelgil64 , @petface , @alblin16 .

My Participation of this round

Boiled quail eggs


Regard by @mrnazrul

Thank you for your congratulations! Good luck!