The World of XPILAR - B&W PHOTOGRAPHY AND ART CONTEST WEEK #046 - Albahaca con pintas blancas/Basil with white spots

in hive-185836 •  4 years ago 


Basil with white spots. Own photograph.

Albahaca con pintas blancas/Basil with white spots

La plantita de albahaca, tras las flores, trajo semillas, pero las otras ramas se pintaron con manchas blancas, de distintas formas y tamaños. La planta mantiene su intenso olor, pero su aspecto ya no es de albahaca. Supongo que es alguna plaga que impedirá su consumo.

The little basil plant, after the flowers, brought seeds, but the other branches were painted with white spots, of different shapes and sizes. The plant maintains its intense smell, but its appearance is no longer basil. I suppose it is some plague that will prevent its consumption.



It is my participation for The World of XPILAR - B&W PHOTOGRAPHY AND ART CONTEST WEEK #046 - post by @axeman


♦The photograph is my property, taken with the phone's camera. Also the paragraph separators are mine.

♦ Original post by @mllg


I appreciate the reading and evaluation of my post.



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Interesante fotografía amiga @mllg.

Suerte en el concurso.


Gracias por tu apoyo @adeljose