Either you start now or just forget itsteemCreated with Sketch.

in hive-185836 •  last month 

Humans are quite an odd species. We are the sentient ones yet this very gift tends to be our most ruthless destroyer.


Procastination–we’ve all done it at some point. Don’t you dare pretend you don’t know what I'm talking about. You once held off your homework for so long only for you to scramble for a pen before the teacher slaps the life out of you.

Yet this very notion of “holding things off” and “waiting for the right time” tends to be most prevalent. Am I right for waiting for the perfect time? When exactly is the perfect time.

There’s only one thing that has proven to be true. Life always kicks us in the face. It proves time and again that It does not care about us.

Truth be told, neither does the universe. Its why so many people on their deathbeds have nothing to say but……….“I wish”. If I were to list down all the things that I have held off. They would be endless. Not because they’re so many, but because thy keep piling up.

One thing people never seem to realize is that “ There’s only so much time” It’s barely enough. Why keep holding things off if you can do them right now? Unless,…..you weren't intending on doing them –at all.

I’m not really an overly religious person, but even I've read my fair share of scripture. Why were we created? That’s for you to answer. But if I were to be asked I'd say, –“For me”

For my dreams. I like to live life like I was in a three dimensional space. There's the past you. There's the present you and the future you. Might seem simple right?

But what if I told you that you’re were you are today because of the decisions your Past YOU chose? The cup of wine was in their hand and they – drank it.

This of course means that the future you depends on the present you.

There's no paradox and no rocket science. Its all true. The three versions can never communicate with each other. Why? Because that’s life. It's a son of a …

But doesn’t it feel so wonderful to know that your future is all in your hands? That you can make yourself by doing what you're supposed to do right now? Not holding anything off. Trust me. Your future self will thank this version of you.

I can’t go back to being 15 years old. I’ll never be 8 years old again when everything was so …..magical. But once I'm 50 years old or even 70 years, I'll want to be my age right now. So why shouldn't I make my old version glad? That old man in the future is waiting for a chance to be happy. I can’t deprive him of that and hold anything off.

So if you’re not starting this very second, forget about it. You’re better off a hopeless dreamer waiting for a fairy godmother. Because after all, what’s the point of dreams and ideas without execution?

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