Daddy, What is War?

in hive-185836 •  3 years ago 



Apparently, many of you are tired of posts and articles about the war in Ukraine. I didn't plan to write about it, but I can't write about anything else now. I cannot write carefree and cheerful posts when a brutal, large-scale war is going on in my country. I sincerely believed that humanity had already developed to such a level that there could be no ordinary state attack on the state with the onset of thousands of tanks, artillery shelling, rocket fire, air strikes and landing. That's why the WORLD OF XPILAR Community Blogosphere Magazine is not published now. Honestly, I don't have time for Steemit activity at all.

I also apologize if I did not respond to your comments.


The night of February 24 was restless. There was a lot of information that Putin was about to declare war on us. I foresaw that it would be tonight, which is why I woke up every hour and watched the news on the phone.

Once again I woke up at 05:11. After reloading the news page, I immediately saw a large red sign reading "PUTIN DECLARED WAR ON UKRAINE." This news immediately caused a wave of emotions in me, my heart was beating at breakneck speed. The first thought: "How to save my child?".

In a second, I read the following news: "Explosions can be heard in cities all over Ukraine." And just then I heard a terribly loud sound of the plane. It seemed that he was circling at a height of only a few meters. This plane, or several planes, probably made a few laps, because the loud sound of the engines was heard for about 15 minutes.

Then, somewhere far away, there were sounds like explosions.

I later learned that a missile strike had been carried out at the nearest airport. Our intelligence knew about the strike, so it blew up military planes in advance so that they would not be damaged.

That day, as always, I went to work. Our chemical plants are an excellent target for a missile attack, so as soon as martial law was declared in the country, we began work to shut down the plants immediately.

After work I returned home. My daughter wanted to go for a walk with me. I said that it is dangerous to walk now, there is a war in the country. She asked, "Daddy, what is war?"

How to explain to a child what war is? I still haven't even told her we're all mortal...

When it got dark, loud sirens sounded everywhere. It was an air alarm. We quickly went to the shelter. But what is this shelter? No one was preparing for such events. Our shelters are basements, cellars or just some kind of pit.

This time we heard nothing. After some time, the air alarm was lifted. But we realized that we would need shelter now, so we started arranging them. The work lasted until late at night.


The night was sleepless. We were constantly watching the news and watching the attack of troops on our territory. The Russians came to free us. From whom? From ourselves? From the government we chose for ourselves in the democratic elections? What is our fault? That we want to decide our own destiny? We want to decide for ourselves who to be friends with. We want to make mistakes ourselves and learn from our mistakes.

The next day (February 25) I went to work again. We tried to make our chemical plants safe as soon as possible. We freed them from all dangerous substances. Now they can be bombed, nothing bad will happen.

We were all called by military enlistment office staff. I am not interested yet, because I have no experience of combat operations. Some of my colleagues went to war.

In the evening there was another air alarm, the child was scared again and I took tears from her eyes again.


Refugees have been coming to us en masse since Saturday, February 26. The people of our city are united, all working to build shelters. Everyone brings blankets, warm clothes, food, money from home.

Unfortunately, sabotage groups come with the refugees. We had to organize special search teams that constantly patrol the streets and report suspicious people to the police.

Air alarms have become regular.

People are actively supporting the army. Who has experience in combat operations goes to war or enters the territorial defense. Someone makes Molotov cocktails. Someone is weaving camouflage nets.

Today I transferred part of my money to the needs of the army. My company bought metal and I make anti-tank hedgehogs together with other employees.

This war is a people's war. All people are doing everything possible to protect the country.

I was lucky. Where I live, there have been no active battles. People from Kyiv, Kharkiv, Sumy, Chernihiv and other cities are going through real hell. They can tell such horrors that it is better not to know about... And a week ago we discussed which pizzeria bakes tastier pizza...


I know that many readers, especially Russians, will not like this post. But I am writing what we are going through now.

By 1939, Russia was already occupying western Ukraine. My grandmother told me about the events of that time. In those days the people came up with the saying:

We have been "liberated" and there is nothing we can do about it.

Now they want to liberate us again. Most Russian society supports the actions of its president, some do not, but like sheep listen to his orders. The war on TV is probably a very interesting spectacle.

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  ·  3 years ago (edited)

Hi Oleh, so sorry to hear about the war.
Best wishes for you all.

Thank you, you are very kind. I have no words.

But we are still relatively safe. I hope that I will not have to take my wife and child out of the country. Personally, I will not leave, I will defend myself. Just in case, I wrote down your e-mail address. You'd better remove the email address from the comment to avoid receiving spam.

  ·  3 years ago (edited)

good, I removed the part with my email, good advise. I hope you are safe and if you need anything send us an email!

Don't worry about whether you have time for "the Steem". Please write what you experience when it is appropriate. Record it for you and for us. We need information that doesn't come from the newspaper or a TV station. And first and foremost, please take good care of yourself! You cannot explain to a child what war is - but it understands better than you know. Feel embraced!

Mach Dir keine Gedanken, ob Du Zeit für "den Steem" hast. Schreibe bitte, was Du erlebst, wenn es sich anbietet. Halte es für Dich fest und für uns. Wir brauchen Infos, die nicht aus der Zeitung kommen und nicht von einem Fernsehsender. Und in erster Linie paßt Du bitte gut auf Euch auf! Du kannst einem Kind nicht erklären, was Krieg ist - aber es versteht das besser, als Du ahnst. Fühlt Euch umarmt!

Thank you very much! I think this war is firmly engraved in the minds of every Ukrainian, so I will definitely write about it more than once. The closer we get to the end of the war, the more I can write on Steemit.

It doesn't matter how often I speak to you, how much I read, how much I learn from you, how much I try to understand, it is impossible for me to begin to understand what you're going through. What your family's going through.

Similar to romanie's offer, the point at which the UK government finds a way to stop being so racist, my offer of finding some way of helping is here too - [email protected]

It's one of many shitty email addresses I needed to create to claim one of my many alter-egos - ping me an email when you can and I can share one of my real email addresses with you 🙂

I look forward to another boring update when you have the time to do so. And I apologise in advance, but I can't let you mention anti-tank hedgehogs without sharing this with you again.


I look forward to another boring update when you have the time to do so.

I couldn't write to you last night, because lately I have to spend a lot of time in the bomb shelter :) Today I will try to write about the latest news in the afternoon.

Steemit has amazing people, they are happy to offer help. I will write to you because I do not know how events will unfold. I may need to save my family. Personally, I plan to stay.

Nobody will win in War, the fact of any war is devastation, on both sides mothers will lose their children and it will be only sorrow. All wars we led by dictators and we know the results, I wish you to stay safe and only wish that the leaders will come to an agreement to stop this madness.

Thank you very much! You know, no one in Ukraine wanted a war. And 5 o'clock in the morning on February 24 was a shock and despair for us. We did not understand how this is possible. There will be a second round of talks today, but everyone knows that they will be fruitless again. It's a pity we really want peace.

@o1eh Friend, you are passing by, the hours are eternal for you, a new dawn must be a triumph for you, as a father I understand you, poor children, live these moments, how selfishness and the feeling of power of some people can destroy and end so many people, I hate politics, where are those great conversations to protect rights, they are all jokes, I don't know if my prayers will be enough and my words to wish them to be optimistic will soon end, they are strong I know they will succeed, but it is my heartfelt desire!!! Greetings and Blessings.

Thanks! Prayers are the greatest power. Pray for us!

War is totally absurd. I am very sorry for what Ukraine is suffering and I greatly appreciate the courage of its soldiers and heroes defending their country from barbarism. Ukraine is a sovereign country, I hope that soon the war ends and the families separated by these circumstances can be reunited. Thanks for sharing and have a happy day.

Thank you for your support. God bless you!

We are very sad and worried. It is one of the most suffering questions a child can ask... There is no winner in the war! There is nothing more painful than people who had to leave their homes, children in shock, the fear of losing their loved ones, and seeing their country under bombs. We stand with the people of Ukraine. Try to keep your hope alive. We hope this war ends as soon as possible.

Thank you for your support. In Steemit I met so many caring people! Your support is important for our people.

There is no winner in the war!

I completely agree with you on this. Many military and civilian people have already died in this war.

Sorry, we had such a hard time even reading these. Living must be awful. Hope these days end soon

Thank you. The sixth day of the war is going on, but for us it is an eternity.

Ciao @o1eh . Sono sconvolta da quello che la tua gente sta vivendo. E' tremendo e assurdo . Le immagini che ci arrivano dalla televisione ci mostrano i segni di una cattiveria inaudita nei confronti del tuo popolo che spero finisca presto,. Stai attento e raccontaci, se vuoi , le tue tristezze. Siamo con voi, un popolo grande che sta dando una lezione di coraggio a tutti noi. Un grande abbraccio dall'Italia.

Thank you. Ukraine has received support from the peoples of the world. Our people are very grateful to you. We feel it. Even in my small town, we started receiving humanitarian goods with medicines and various things for refugees. These goods come from different European countries. Thank you for your every word. Thank you, Italy, thank you, World!

This is the type of post i prefered to believe compared to the big screen media. I hope you are safe there. If I were in your situation, maybe all I could response to my child's question would be tears and hug... 😪

I hope you are safe there.

Thank you, so far we are lucky.

maybe all I could response to my child's question would be tears and hug

The child has already understood everything. I recorded a few songs for the kids on the phone, we try to have fun in the shelter :)

Hi o1eh, the hardest thing for a parent is trying to explain to the child things they shouldn't have witnessed. All I can do is wish the war to end as soon as possible. I hope that the day when your beautiful country and people are safe will come soon.

I hope that the day when your beautiful country and people are safe will come soon.

Thank you, this day will definitely come, the only question is at what price.

Solidaria con el valiente pueblo de Ucrania. Mi admiración a todos los valientes Patriotas que defienden su hogar. La mayoría de los venezolanos estamos con ustedes, aún cuando nuestro gobierno no los apoye. Les envío un abrazo y mis oraciones.

Les envío un abrazo y mis oraciones.

Thank you, our people feel your embrace even across the ocean! Your country is very rich in natural resources. I wish you that your government makes the right decisions and that your country prospers!

I am very sorry about this whole situation and that your country is being attacked. I pray that the end of all this comes and the guilty pay for the deaths of innocents. many blessings to you and all Ukrainians. Greetings friend, from Venezuela.

Thank you very much. Venezuela is so far from us, but your people strongly support us. I wish you peace and prosperity!

good luck always my friend

Greetings from Ukraine guys. It's hard but we are stand strong! Peace✊

I hope you stay safe!

Дякую за турботу, друже. Пока более менее)

Friend I am very sorry to hear all that, I didn't know you are from Ukraine, I hope the war will stop as soon as possible and people will not have to face such a cruel fate. This war making has never made sense, in wars no one wins and many people's lives are lost.

I hope your family is safe and sound, greetings from Venezuela.

#affable #venezuela

Thanks. War is the greatest madness. I wish you always had peace.

Oh friend @o1eh it is very sad to hear that you are in the middle of this cruel war and as you say they are freeing them from who? of the president whom you democratically elected and how can you explain that to your daughter?? really thank god where you are has not been as serious as others who have lived through horrible moments, I hope this ends soon and their right to life is respected

  ·  3 years ago Reveal Comment

I am very pleased that you can see better from your TV that I have been explaining to my 6-year-old daughter for 30 years. By the way, she is almost fluent in Russian. Why would I teach a child the language of the enemy?

But everything you wrote now turned out to be true, and I really needed to tell her that the Russians were enemies. Now you will be enemies forever. Although no, not all Russians.

We have delivered your meat grinder closer to your home.

And here you are absolutely right. As of today, the losses of your army are 5,700 personnel. This means that 5,700 mothers will not wait for their sons at home. What are you happy about?

Don't lie to me about TV.
I was born and raised in the Rostov region.
I was and worked in Ukraine.
I know things about your people that you don't know about yourself.
And most importantly, I know for sure: you have always had a hatred for the Russians. And always will be. With or without war. You hate Russians at the genetic level. Russophobia is your religion. Russophobia is in your blood. There is no other nation in the world that always hates Russians as much as Ukrainians.
And you always have been.
You hate everyone: Russians, Poles, Hungarians, Romanians.
You are not friends with anyone.
You always betray everyone.
You are "the people - betrays."
But we tolerate you. Only occasionally kick in the teeth for betrayal. Now we are punishing you for your betrayal.
Because there is no point in more.

Don't lie to me about "5700 killed"
Better say immediately "5700 000 000". It will be even funnier.
There are no losses in "thousands", because "thousands" are not at war with you. It's not obligatory. You have wasted too much energy on hatred and begging from Europe so that you have no strength left for your Army.
A special operation in Ukraine is being carried out by "battalion groups" of the Russian army. "Battalion" is 400 people.
Not "400,000" and not "400,000,000".
You talk about "5700" but those dreams are for your kids. Just like you taught the kids: "Kill the Russians! Kill the Russians! Kill! Kill!!"
You dreamed then.
And dream now

And the Russian Army has not yet entered into battle with the Army of Ukraine. Both "shooting" and "corpses" came from your criminal counteractions. You yourself are killing each other, but you are talking about "Russians".

Let's wait a few more days. You will be very surprised.

Wow. I've just seen this and it's no surprise to see he's finally been muted.

And then swanning off back to his blog to write about coins as if comments like this are how normal people interact.

I wonder if unbeknown to us, nklm is Vladimir Putin. Slowly getting angrier and angrier to the point at which total self-annihilation becomes inevitable.

This needs no explanation...


Earlier we discussed that here in Steemit we should not write about politics or religion. Then I told you that I had already met in Steemit with chauvinistic views on the Ukrainian people. This was just in the post nklm. I passed by, did not write comments, did not give downvote. Then, looking for posts for my magazine, I no longer looked at his posts. In my opinion, a person with such views cannot be a full member of the international community, which is the whole Steemit community.

This time I also did not file any complaints to nklm. xpilar himself read our discussion and muted him. He wrote to me about this in Discord. I am grateful to him for that.

Yes - we'd noticed what he was doing very soon after the war had begun - stef1 was the first to highlight what he was saying and then yesterday, xpilar suggested that we mute him and the decision was unanimous - he can take his abuse elsewhere.

It's nice to hear you've got xpilar on Discord - I'm at


Saves me checking an email address that I don't user 🙂

All you 2 guys right and wrong in something. All peaceful people hate war, but sometimes we get it because of politicans of both countries. All the people I know - whant this war to stop! Minsk. Wish all peaceful Ukrainians and people of Donbas luck and stay alive.

Hi @nklm, I downvoted you because I do not think it is appropriate reaction to the post and very aggressive way of commenting.