WOX Statistics, 18-24.05.2022.

in hive-185836 •  3 years ago 

Statistics 18-24.05.22..png

Hello, community!

It's been a week, which means it's time to take a look at our success in the Power Up process.

For analysis, I take a period of 7 days from May 18, 2022 to May 24, 2022. Statistics are collected using https://sir.steemcryptic.me/.


There were 663 posts in the WOX community this week, 56 posts less than last week.


The rating of the most active authors looks like this:


Power Up

Now let's look at the ranking of community members who sent the most STEEM to Power Up in a week (please note that the rating is made up all active authors of the last week, ie 250 authors who have published at least one post):


This week I took 12th place.

In total, this week the WOX community made a Power Up of 238362,726 STEEM, which is 180498.620 STEEM more than last week.


Moderators VS Community Members


Number of Authors Doing Power Up


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This kind of statistics reports help us where we are what to do. I am glad to see my name as would like to maintain 5+ post and 20 SP minimum or whatever get to do 100% Power Up. Have a nice day.