The Inktober Challenge 2022 | #3 Bat | Drawing challenge

in hive-185836 •  2 years ago 

The Inktober is a drawing challenge created by Jake Parker, in which the whole month of October, you must draw a drawing in ink or other material every day. October has 31 days, so there will be a total of 31 drawings. A word is assigned each day of the month, which will serve as inspiration for each drawing, i.e., if today's word is bat, that will be the word of inspiration for the drawing. It is an excellent challenge, it helps to loosen the hand and to speed up the strokes in terms of drawing or to have better imagination or creation for ideas. I did this challenge two years ago and at that time, it helped me a lot to improve my drawing all that month, so I wanted to participate again this year.


Original JesberChavez

SEPARADOR cactus.png

When I read the word "bat", I immediately thought of the animal, obviously hahaha. I didn't want to do the animal, so I was inspired by the bat and created a character, so I could do something a little more creative.


I wanted to make a character that was inspired by a bat, but not a bat, if you know what I mean? So what I did was to be inspired by the animal, in order to create my character. I took aspects of the animal to integrate it into my character and bring it to life.


I started to make the sketch in my sketchbook, looking at the references of bats on Pinterest. I'm going to be honest, I thought this drawing was going to take me a long time, because of the fact of creating a character, but it was the opposite, the sketch was done very fast. This Inktober is surprising me too much, a few weeks ago I didn't feel like drawing and I couldn't think of anything for any drawing and by doing this Inktober, all my energy and ideas have come back.


Once I had the sketch finished, I went to give life to the drawing by painting it. I started with a layer of black paint, mixed with water, to start from the lightest to the darkest, which would be the shadows. For the last part I left the details such as the linear and some details in white and that's it. I really loved this drawing, no doubt someday I will work on it more and I will turn it to color.


I hope you like it!

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⬜️◾️Final Work◽️⬛️


Original Jesber Chavez


SEPARADOR cactus.png




  • 1 : GARGOYLE ✅
  • 2 : SCURRY ✅
  • 3 : BAT ✅

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Summary of the whole Process


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#2 Scurry


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Thank you for entering the publication.✨

#inktober2022 #inktober #jakeparker


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