If you were an 80s kid then you remember Johnny 5 from the movie Short Circuit.
5 wasnt like the robots from Star Wars or anyother Sci-Fi movies at the time. Johnny 5 was alive on a more human level and as kids we related to that. Short Circuit 2 wasnt nearly as good as the first one but, it brought 5 to another level of humanity.
I wanted to paint one of my favorite robots, so I did on a slow day at the tattoo shop.
I had alot of compliments on it but, no one has gotten it tattooed yet. I would love to either do a Johnny 5 tattoo or eventually get a little one myself on my pop-culture sleeve im still adding too. I will say, watching Chappie was very similar and felt like a remix of Short Circuit and I will probably paint Chappie eventually too.
JOHNNY 5 - 2019
India Ink on Watercolor paper - 8.5x11"