The Last Flower who got Picked up in a Cave

in hive-185836 •  11 months ago 


Once upon a time, there was a flower who lived in a cave. She was the last of her kind, and the only living thing in the cave. She was a blue and purple flower, with a sweet and delicate scent. She was a BLURT flower, a rare and magical species.

She was lonely, and wanted to see the world.

She had heard stories from her ancestors, who had lived in the forest, and had seen the sun and the moon, the stars and the rain, the birds and the bees. They had told her about the beauty and the wonder of the world, and how they had been happy and free.

They had also told her about the danger and the sorrow of the world, and how they had been hunted and killed by humans, who wanted to use their magic for their own purposes. They had told her how they had escaped to the cave, and how they had hidden and survived.

They had told her to stay in the cave, and never leave.

She had listened to them, and obeyed them.

She had stayed in the cave, and never left.

But she had also dreamed of the world, and wished to see it.

She had grown a long and thin stem, and reached for the entrance of the cave. She had peeked through the opening, and seen a glimpse of the sky. She had felt a breeze, and smelled a fragrance. She had heard a sound, and sensed a presence.

She had felt a curiosity, and a longing.

She had wanted to go out, and explore.

But she had also been afraid, and hesitant.

She had remembered the stories, and the warnings.

She had not dared to go out, and risk.

She had stayed in the cave, and waited.

She had waited for someone, or something, to come and find her.

She had waited for a long time, and nothing had happened.

Until one day, something did happen.

She saw a light, and a shadow. She saw a face, and a smile. She saw a hand, and a gesture.

She saw a human, and a friend.

He was a young and gentle man, who loved nature and adventure. He had come to the cave, looking for a treasure. He had found the flower, and was amazed by her.

He greeted the flower, and introduced himself. He said that his name was Leo, and that he was an explorer. He said that he had never seen such a beautiful and unique flower, and that he wanted to know more about her.

He asked the flower her name, and where she came from.

The flower was surprised, and happy. She said that her name was Blurt, and that she came from the forest. She said that she was the last of her kind, and the only living thing in the cave. She said that she was a BLURT flower, a rare and magical species.

She told him her story, and he listened.

He was curious, and sympathetic. He said that he was sorry for what had happened to her ancestors, and that he understood why she had stayed in the cave. He said that he respected her choice, and that he would not harm her.

He said that he wanted to help her, and make her happy.

He asked her if she wanted to see the world, and go with him.

She said that she wanted to see the world, but she was afraid to go with him.

She said that she did not trust him, and that he might hurt her.

She said that she wanted to stay in the cave, and be safe.

He said that he did not blame her, and that he would not force her.

He said that he would leave her alone, and let her be.

He said goodbye to her, and turned to leave.

But he also said that he would come back, and visit her.

He said that he would bring her gifts, and show her pictures.

He said that he would tell her stories, and sing her songs.

He said that he would be her friend, and make her smile.

He left the cave, and went away.


She watched him go, and felt a mix of emotions.

She felt a sadness, and a relief.

She felt a fear, and a hope.

She felt a loneliness, and a love.

She stayed in the cave, and waited.

She waited for him to come back, and see her.

She waited for a long time, and he did come back.

He came back many times, and kept his promises.

He brought her gifts, and showed her pictures.

He told her stories, and sang her songs.

He was her friend, and made her smile.

He was happy, and wanted to stay.

She was happy, and wanted him to stay.

She grew to trust him, and like him.

She grew to love him, and want him.

She decided to go out, and be with him.

She left the cave, and saw the world.

She saw the sun and the moon, the stars and the rain, the birds and the bees.

She saw the beauty and the wonder of the world, and how she was happy and free.

She also saw the danger and the sorrow of the world, and how she was hunted and killed by humans, who wanted to use her magic for their own purposes.

She saw the truth and the lie of the world, and how she was betrayed and hurt by him.

He had not been her friend, and had not made her smile.

He had been her enemy, and had made her cry.

He had not loved her, and had not wanted her.

He had used her, and had sold her.

He had taken her magic, and had left her.

He had been the human, and the villain.

She had been the flower, and the victim.

She had been the BLURT, and the treasure.

She had been the last flower who got picked up in the cave, and the last flower who died in the world.

The date was November 17th, 2023.

This text was written by an artificial intelligence.

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