🛰☀ISS (International Space Station) TRANSIT ☀🛰steemCreated with Sketch.

in hive-185836 •  4 years ago 

🇬🇧 Today (April 2nd, 2021) it was that time again, I was able to photograph the iss again. I planned the shot about 3 weeks ago and with a little luck I was able to take it today at 4:41 pm. This is my 4x ISS transit photo, and every time I am fascinated and excited at the same time :-)
I hope you enjoy it...


🇩🇪 Heute (02.04.2021) war es wieder so weit, ich durfte wieder Zeuge einer ISS Transit werden. Die Aufnahme habe ich ca vor 3 Wochen geplant und mit bissel Glück konnte ich es heute Mittag um 16:41 fotografisch einfangen. Das hier ist mein 4x ISS Transit Foto, und ich bin jedes Mal fasziniert und aufgeregt zugleich :-)
Ich hoffe es gefällt euch...
Viele Grüße


🇹🇷 Bugün (2 Nisan 2021) yine ISS geçişine tekrar tanık olma fırsatım oldu. Çekimi yaklaşık 3 hafta önce planladım ve biraz şans ile bugün saat 16: 41'de çekmeyi başardım. Bu benim 4üncü ISS transit fotoğrafım ve her seferinde hem büyüleniyorum hem de heyecanlanıyorum :-)
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  1. April 2021 / 04:41 :14 pm / Alzey - Germany

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That is really impressive! It is difficult to believe that this is a photography, looks like Sci-fi :)

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Thankyou :)

Amazing shot!

Thankyou @axeman