Trip to Šášov castle

in hive-185836 •  8 months ago 


Today we go back in time. Let's go back to the time of kings and knights. When brigands hid in dense forests and beat up every unwary person who got in their way. To the times when the stone walls of castles stood proudly on high cliffs and commanded respect.


One day, the man from Zvolen went hunting. He was accompanied by the clown Ladislav. It didn't work out and he didn't catch anything. However, they met an enraged bear. She bit the lord of the castle's shoulder. His jester did not lose his presence of mind and hit the bear on the head with his ax. As a sign of gratitude, the castle lord of Zvolen had a castle built, which he donated to his jester. They called the castle Šašov. So says the rumor.


However, it is more likely that the castle was named after the rock on which it is built. The stone wall is called Orlia skala. Eagle is called sas in Hungarian. Well, you have to choose which option you like more.


By car, we arrive at Šašovské podhradia. From there we go up the road to the castle on foot. Those who don't like hiking and big climbs don't need to worry. The way up is a bit steeper in places, but it would be strange if it wasn't, because we are walking on top of a rocky cliff. But it cannot be said that it is difficult. We talk and the journey went very quickly and we can already see the first walls.


The castle is first mentioned in 1253 as a royal castle. It was built at an important crossroads of mining towns. His job was to guard the rich area and collect tolls.


The paradox is that the castle castellans who worked at the castle liked to loot and destroy the property of the nearby Hron-Benedictine Abbey.


During the Renaissance and Gothic times, the castle often changed owners. He did not even manage to avoid serious armed conflicts. In 1677, it was captured by the Tököli rebels and the castle was looted.


František Rákoczi's II. insurgents occupied and defended the castle a few years later. The imperial army managed to conquer it in 1708. They set the castle on fire and it has been falling into disrepair ever since.


He made his mark in military history at the end of the Second World War. The retreating German army created defensive positions in the castle tower. And so the castle was shelled.


We walk from room to room in the collapsed castle. In some places more walls have been preserved, in others less. But that's the way it should be, and overall, this ruin is, in my opinion, one of the most beautiful we have in Slovakia. Although it would deserve funds for at least partial reconstruction.


Today, looking at the ruins of the castle, it is hard to imagine the fear and respect the castle evoked in its heyday. But it was so, and he fulfilled his role as a guard of the castle perfectly.

It was a short but informative walk and I enjoyed walking on the crumbling walls. The weather was also kind to us today and the view of the surroundings was worth it.

Thank you

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