I found it! My 'What should I do until New World's release' game!
Yonder, aaah Yonder. Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chornicles is an open world adventure game, based on exploring, gathering and crafting. There is no stress in Yonder. Everything is relaxing. There are no enemies to fight. The only bad thing around is Murk. And you don't fight Murk. You just collect spirits by exploring and they clear away the Murk for you. So relaxing.
Yonder starts with character creation (duh). You pick between male and female, pick some colors, play around with the shape and size sliders and you're off!
P.S.: Yes, that's the only hair you can choose, but you can later on craft or trade for other kinds of hair.
You start on a boat and you have a compass. This compass will later be used to pick active quests and set a course on the map.
Your boat gets destroyed, which is the most stressful thing that has happened in the game so far and honestly, I didn't have to do anything. I was just along for the ride. Poor boat NPCs though.
You meet a mysterious spirit being and then end up in a cave. Eventually, you'll walk out of there and get greeted with a nice view of the Gemea world! (See first screenshot) This is where your adventure truly begins.
You're supposed to look for people in the town in the distance, but being a good collector, I figured I'd just grab whatever I find on my way over there. Sticks, stones, plants, vines, you name it.
Such nice people here! I get to have my own farm!
You start with quests and meetings to gather some much needed tools (like a hammer, an axe, a fishing rod, etc.) and after collecting some spirits, they clear up the Murk around the farm for you and you get your own place!
This is where you can hold animals and grow seeds for more gathering.
Speaking of animals...
There are a variety of animals in Gemea. They are not dangerous. Did I mention this is such a relaxing game? This little guy even ran away from me! Honestly, I'm not that scary...
This little fox wasn't so scared.
You can feed animals when you hold the food they like and they will follow you for a while. Lure them to your farm this way and you can keep them there to collect whatever product it is they make! So far, I made two little friends, but there are plenty more to collect.
Yonder is a cute game and it's very relaxing. You don't have to do anything. There are no battles or dangers. It's just you, exploring, collecting, crafting, trading and clearing up some Murk along the way. It's stress free, but there is always something to do. I mean, I put off cooking dinner for about an hour worth of 'Okay, I'll just do this last little thing...'.
Finally, I found a good game to enjoy and lose myself in!
How about you? Have you played Yonder yet?
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