Steemit Engagement Challenge WOX Community S6W1: FlowerssteemCreated with Sketch.

in hive-185836 •  2 years ago 
Hello Friends,

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Let me start by congratulating the WORLD OF XPILAR community for emerging among the selected communities to host season 6 of the Steemit Engagement Challenge. I have always known this community to be very active and productive over the years. You have presented a nice contest for us this week which is titled Flower in our life by @worldofxpilar.

To some drawing is just the sketching of an object with a pencil, but I see drawing beyond this definition. You would agree with me that a good artist draws with inspiration and emotions, as imaginations go wider, producing beautiful pictures and structures in our minds. Nevertheless, it is expressed in paper using paper, pencils, crayons, and our hands.
Flowers are unique and beautiful, which makes this contest even more interesting. Join me as I tell you about my favorite flower and how I drew it.

My Favourite Flower

They are many varieties of flowers spread out across the globe today, but as much as I know and have seen, Rose🌹remains my favorite flower. This flower is said to have grown in China since the Shang Dynasty (1600-1046 BC).

The rose, which has always been associated with love, was considered one of the most important flowers in ancient times when it was thought that they held medicinal properties that could cure a variety of illnesses.

red-rose-4482541_1280 (1).jpg
Free Pixabay Download

From Roman myth to Shakespearean sonnets to modern pop music and literature, the rose has played an important role throughout history and remains one of the most famous and favorite flowers today. They are a beautiful addition to your garden or home and they come in many colors, shapes, and sizes with different meanings.

Given the fact that I love the rose🌹 flower so much, I would be showing you how I drew it step by step.

  • First things first, I brought out my materials for drawing, which included **an A4 paper, a pencil, a pencil sharpener, and an eraser.
    And I started my drawing with the petals of the rose flower. To draw the petals, I first sketched their left side, before fixing the right side of the petals, making it look like a jar.
my materials
my first line
  • I created a vertical line that seems to separate the two sides of the fixed petals.
jar-like object
vertical center line
  • After that, I proceed to design the pistil and stamen areas of the flower which included both the stigma, ovary, anther, and filament. For this part I was carefully making circular curves with my pencils at the top of my design.
IMG_20221121_113233_880.jpgIMG_20221121_113549_387 (1).jpg
drawing the pistil
flower top design
  • I then proceeded to add extra petals at both rights and left sides of my jar-like object. To me, this is beginning to make sense, as my rose flower is gradually been drawn successfully.
extra petals on right
extra petals at left
  • Now it was time to draw the Bract of my rose flower, so I started by carefully curving and designing my lines in the bract of a flower at the bottom part of the petals design.
bract design
bract curves
  • At this stage, I was beginning to get excited, as my work was halfway done. I could see my rose flower already getting clearer. It was time to design the stem of the flower, so I simultaneously drew two vertical lines, from the bract downwards.
first stem line
second stem line
  • It was time to add a little leaf to the stem of my flower. So I carefully curved my pencil into the shape of a leaf.
leaf curve across stem
leaf curved
  • Just then, I decided to add two more flowers so that my flower could look more attractive.
second leaf
third leaf
  • At this point, I carefully tried to draw the veins of the leaf in a symmetric manner.
IMG_20221121_121650_49.jpgIMG_20221121_122041_898 (1).jpg
drawing the leaf's vein
starts shading
  • At this point, I began shading various parts of the flower, starting from the stem, the bract, and some parts of the petals.
IMG_20221121_123401_969 (1).jpgIMG_20221121_123933_800.jpg
shading petals
work done

Looking at my drawing, I was happy because ordinarily, I am not very good at drawing, but this contest has brought out the artist in me, and I would love to continue improving myself in this newfound talent, lol😁.

IMG_20221122-052928 (2).jpg
my flower drawing

I present to you my flower(rose) for this contest.


Drawing is a skillful way of expressing our ideas and emotions on paper. The outcome of a drawing differs among Individuals, as this skill is being developed through constant practice and dedication.
Flowers are beautiful gifts of nature, which exist in different species. I have chosen the rose flower today because it represents both beauty and love.

Generally, I find this contest interesting, as it will help develop and improve the skills of many steemit users. Kudos to the organizers of this contest. Am inviting @sahmie, @starrchris, and @samynathy to check out this contest.

Note: All Images otherwise mentioned, are my images taken with my Infinx Hot10 play 13M DUAL Camera.

Thanks for your time here....

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Hi @preye2!

Your thoughts about drawing and your historical approach to the rose as a theme of art and love is very interesting.
Regarding your drawing, it is interesting and nice to see in the drawing process how the rose appears step by step with your detailed descriptions there.
I think your drawing is very well done, the dark stem and the leaves give a strong contrast with the rose to achieve a good balance.
However, I would like to advise you on two things:
Be more careful with your drawing materials or support (paper). This must always be in excellent condition to be presented to the public, keeping in mind that it is a drawing that is displayed as a work of art, not as a study sketch. The damage that your drawing sheet has harms the appreciation of your drawing.
Second, next time take a photo of your work, not of you with your artwork because the important thing in the challenge is your drawing or painting.
I leave you a better presentation of your drawing as an example.


Professor Jorge van de Perre the master of art. You have indeed guided me well, as I have observed and seen that you are right. The paper should always be in excellent condition, and my drawing should equally be the point of focus. Thanks for the guidance boss, I really appreciate ❤️.

You are welcome, good luck!

Roses are hard to draw. You have done well.

I agree with @jorgevandeperre, take a better photo.
If your lighting is not good, edit the photo (reduce saturation and increase contrast).


You words are motivating and your guidance have been adhered to. I really appreciate your time and support here friend ❤️:-)

My pleasure.


  ·  2 years ago (edited)

WOX Community Engagement Challenge S6W1

Club StatusClub1001
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Quality content5
Total score9
Verified by@bambuka22.11.2022

Hello @preye2, thank you for participating in the contest.
I like your result, I wish you good luck!

Thanks for the lovely remark and words of support dear friend, it's really inspiring and I appreciate your time here ❤️:-)

You are welcome 🖐️ 😊

Your post has been supported by @simonnwigwe from team 2 of the Community Curation Program, at 50%. We invite you to continue sharing quality content on the platform, and continue to enjoy support, and also a likely spot in our weekly top 7.

Voting date: 22/11/2022


Thanks for the support and encouragement @simonnwigwe, I really appreciate your time here ❤️:-)

Shared on Twitter

Brother your art skills is so good. You describe your drawing process very detailsly. I realized that you are a very skilled artist by watching you hold your pencil. I have no doubt about it. I wish you all the best. You will definitely do well in this competition.

Your words are really inspiring dear friend, as you have motivated me to keep going. I really appreciate your time and support here friend, #steem-on❤️:-)

🥰it's my pleasure. Your art skill really so good.

Hola querido amigo, vaya, una hermosa rosa, tu dibujo ha quedado muy bien, me encantó, el paso a paso está muy bien al igual que la profundidad que le haz dado a la imagen.!!

Gracias por tu entrada y por dedicar parte de tu tiempo para este reto. Mucha suerte.

Eres realmente un motivador querido amigo, realmente aprecio tus palabras de aliento, ya que me dan más razones para mejorar y producir mejores obras de arte en el futuro cercano. Gracias por su tiempo y apoyo aquí, lo aprecio ❤️:-)

Your jaba flower drawn in pencil looks really nice. Your entry for the contest is really charming. Because your presentation is very nice which I like. Best wishes to you.

Thanks alot brother for your lovely remarks and support, It's motivating, and I appreciate your time here ❤️:-)

Simply stunning bro... Your entry is very very exceptional and I must say it deserves all the credits it get. I never knew you could draw this much.

Thank you for the invite and Success in the contest.

Thanks for the warm words and support brother, it's really inspiring and I appreciate your time here ❤️:-)

Your post is manually rewarded by the
World of Xpilar Community Curation Trail


Thanks for bthe show of support and encouragement dear @worldofxpilar, I really appreciate ❤️:-)

When I squint I feel like you've really focused on your values and it shows! The special attention you paid to the shading really paid off.

I think the stem might not be that thick. I think if you were to do a much lighter sketch next time before doing the "final" you could have the opportunity in the practice round to get that closer before committing. As long as you sketch really lightly it's easy to erase what you don't want and the sketch will give you some nice guidelines for the final.

I'm glad you spent the time shading around the petals to give them dimension and you've placed some nice details in the leaves as well. It's a success!

Wow, this Community really have good and inspirational experts of art, guiding us on the best ways to produce better art works in the nearest future. You are right on the stem, I should have made it a little lighter. All the same, with this guidance from you all, I think I will produce better art works in the nearest future. Thanks for your time here, I really appreciate ❤️:-)

I think you've got a good eye you should definitely keep drawing!

Very beautiful roses. It would be nice if you make a frame and a short watermark word. Good luck for the contest. I have also participated in this contest.

Thanks for the guidance and support dear friend, I really appreciate your time here ❤️.

You depict the rose flower quite well. Also one of my favorite followers are roses.

Thanks for your lovely remark and support dear friend, am glad I was able to draw your favourite flower. Your time here is highly appreciated ❤️.

Just now I uploaded my entry. Thanks for you lovely comments.

Amigoz usted se destaca con el dibujo, este concurso ha despertado el talento de muchos y también ha servido para que los amantes del dibujo presenten sus obras de arte.

Felicitaciones, éxito en el concurso.


Of a truth, this contest have awaken the talent in us, as I would love to continue improving myself in drawing. Thanks for your remarkable comments and support dear friend, I really appreciate your time here ❤️.

Saludos amigo! Me encanta esta rosa, te quedó muy bonita, un paso a paso muy bien explicado. El sombreado de los pétalos te quedó excelente.

Mucho éxito en el reto...

Thanks for you lovely remark dear friend, I have tried to show the steps carefully, Incase anyone would want to try it out. Your words are encouraging friend, and I appreciate your time here ❤️:-)

Hola @preye2, que bueno quenos una información muy interesante sobre las rosa 🌹 se cree que su origen es de china, también que es de la dinastia shang y también la usaban como remedio para curar algunas enfermedades. Pues no lo sabía yo tengo una amiga que preparar te de rosa y una ensalada de pelotalo de rosa.

You have carefully followed the detailed of my post friend and I appreciate you for that. Rose signifies love, and it equally has some health benefits. Thanks for your inspiring remarks and time here, I really appreciate ❤️.