in hive-185836 •  2 years ago 

Hello friends I would like to share some insight I have found very interesting surrounding our very own Butterfly which has a life cycle of four stages; the egg, the Larva (Caterpillar), the Pupa (Chrysalis), and the final stage Adult. With different species of all kinds. Butterfly lifespan ranges from 15_29 days. "Not living so long" you can say, true but they do alot of activities with the limited amount of time; which includes finding and laying eggs on a special tree that has enough glue inorder to hold the eggs, so much fun and adventure right?

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Gonepteryx rhamni which I found very attractive and beautiful among many other butterfly I researched, came from the Family of Pieridae yeah that's right Pieridae. They live in every part of the Palearctic Zone and they are usually seen in areas of Asia, Africa, North Africa and Europe, so if you happen to live in any of the above mentioned Continents be rest assured to see them one day, so keep your eyes open when visiting open Park, Fields, Garden, Hedges and Meadows of course to see this amazing insects.

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Gonepteryx rhamni happens to be the one and only species of its genus, WOW what a coincidence, finally they are called Brimstone.

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Thank you Guys, hope y'all learned something from my research today!

Order: Lepidoptera
Species: G. rhamni
Family: Pieridae
Phylum: Arthropoda
Genus: Gonepteryx
Kingdom: Animals

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