Animals are not weapons. / Animals are not weapons.

in hive-185836 •  2 years ago 

Animals are not weapons. / Animals are not weapons.


In 2019 a male beluga whale approached a Norwegian fishing boat asking for food, the fishermen noticed that the whale was wearing a harness which could indicate that it had escaped during some Russian navy operation in the Atlantic they called it Hvaldímir which is the combination from the Norwegian word for whale Hval and Vladimir.

En 2019 una ballena beluga macho se acercó a un barco pesquero noruego pidiendo comida, los pescadores notaron que la ballena llevaba un arnés lo que podía indicar que se había escapado durante alguna operación de la marina rusa en el atlántico lo llamaron Hvaldímir que es la combinación de la palabra noruega para ballena Hval y Vladimir.


They adopted him in the coastal town of Hammerfest, there Hvaldímir lives well and freely with people who care that he does not lack food, the bad thing is that being a celebrity, what they have left over are visitors, which is dangerous since interacting with him you can have, like unexpected bites.

Lo adoptaron en la población costera de hammerfest, alli Hvaldímir vive bien y en libertad con gente que se preocupa por que no le falte comida, lo malo es que al ser una celebridad, lo que les sobran son visitantes lo que es peligroso ya que interactuar con él puede tener, como mordidas inesperadas.


There are warning signs that say that if you see it you should avoid touching it or getting too close, as it can even be hurt by boat propellers something that has happened recently, but that does not prevent visitors from trying to swim with it.

Hay letreros de advertencia que dicen que si lo ves debes evitar tocarlo o acercarte mucho, ya que incluso puede ser lastimado por las propelas de los barcos algo que ya sucedió recientemente, pero eso no evita que los visitantes sigan tratando de nadar con él.


A Russian military officer said that this whale did not escape from Russian facilities and that they would not have to deny it, since their trained dolphin program is public, I think that the simple fact that it has escaped them is reason enough to deny it, because I would put question the effectiveness of the use of these animals.

Beluga whales, dolphins, and other mammals such as sea lions continue to be captured, captive-bred, and trained for underwater military operations around the world. It is unfair to them, it is a form of slavery, if you do not agree with this, leave your comments below.

Un militar ruso dijo que esta ballena no escapó de instalaciones rusas y que no tendrían por qué negarlo, ya que su programa de delfines entrenados es público, yo pienso que el simple hecho de que se les haya escapado es motivo suficiente para negarlo, porque pondría en duda la efectividad del uso de estos animales.

Las ballenas beluga, los delfines y otros mamíferos como los leones marinos, siguen siendo capturados, criados en cautiverio y entrenados para operaciones militares subacuáticas en todo el mundo. Es injusto para ellos, es una forma de esclavitud, si no estás de acuerdo con esto deja tu comentarios abajo.

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