NUEVO CONCURSO | "Una imagen, una historia"

in hive-185836 •  last year 
"Una imagen, una historia"

Greetings Steemians!

Big thanks to @franyeligonzalez for his efforts and dedication In organizing an inspiring contest in the WORLD OF XPILAR community entitled " One Picture, One Story ". This contest is not only Interesting, But also has stimulated the creativity and imagination of the community members.

Through the images provided, this contest has become a platform for us to express our stories In a unique and interesting way. We thank you for giving us the opportunity To share our story with the world, and for appreciating our efforts and writing skills.

Thanks again To @franyeligonzalez and the whole WORLD OF XPILAR team. May goodness and Success always accompany your steps.


In a small, Peaceful town, there lived a woman named Maya. Maya is an office worker who has a big dream To travel the world. Every day, he sits In front of his computer and longs for the adventures That are waiting for him out there.

One day, Maya sees an advertisement for an international travel competition that offers the opportunity To travel around the world for free. Without hesitation, he signed up with high hopes of becoming one of The lucky participants.

A few weeks later, Maya received an email telling her that she was one of the winners of the competition. He felt so happy and surprised by the news. The preparations started.Maya left her job and decided To sell almost everything she owned to fund her journey. He also decided To record every important moment In this trip with the help of his camera.

His first trip was to Europe. He visited beautiful cities like Paris, Rome and Amsterdam. Maya is fascinated by the majestic architecture, Inspiring art and diverse culture In every place she visits. Every day is a new adventure for him.

Furthermore, Maya continued her journey to Asia. He explored cities such as Tokyo, Bangkok and Bali. He learns about the rich history and traditions of every place he visits, and he meets friendly and kind People. Maya feels that this trip has not only changed the way she sees the world, But also changed herself as an Individual.

Not only visiting big cities, Maya also took the time To explore the beautiful nature. He went on mountain hikes, explored jungles, and swam In exotic beaches. Maya feels a strong affinity with nature and realizes how important it is To preserve this natural beauty for future generations.

During her travels, Maya also meets many people who share her passion for exploring the world. He befriends backpackers from different countries, Sharing their stories and experiences. They help each other and provide new inspiration In their journey.

Maya's journey lasted several months, and every day she builds beautiful memories that she will never forget. At the end of her journey, Maya returned To her small town with a grateful heart and an invaluable wealth of experience.

Maya realized that this trip had opened her eyes To the beauty of the world and The various cultures In it. He not only sees the world from his own Perspective, But also understands the Importance of respecting each other and understanding The differences between us.

The story of Maya's journey is one of courage, desire to learn, and appreciation for the beauty of This world. Through her journey, Maya discovers herself and discovers the true meaning of life. And he knows that the adventure is not over for him, Because this world is still full of interesting stories waiting To be explored.


Let's all take inspiration from Maya's travel stories and embrace the spirit of adventure In our lives. Let us explore the world with open eyes, open hearts and strong determination. Because in every step we take, we can find magic, face challenges, and discover the potential hidden within us.Keep dreaming, keep exploring, and keep writing our life story with bold colors. Because In every travel story, there is the potential to find magic and discover our true selves.Enjoy your journey of life with passion and courage!

In this contest I invite @newby , @isha46 ,@stanley52, @newtonb,@emultiplex and @abdullahw2 to take part in this interesting contest.

Thank You So Much For Reading My Blog
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Hola amigo, muchas gracias por tu entrada, una historia muy inspiradora, definitivamente viajar y conocer otras culturas es muy importante y necesario, nos abre los ojos ante muchas realidades.

Saludos!! :)

¡Hola amigo! Gracias por su cálida bienvenida y gran aprecio por esta historia. De hecho, viajar y conocer otras culturas son experiencias valiosas que pueden abrirnos los ojos a las diversas y asombrosas realidades de este mundo. A través de encuentros con diversas tradiciones y pueblos indígenas, podemos apreciar la riqueza de la diversidad y comprender los valores transmitidos de sus antepasados.

Saludos cálidos de vuelta a usted!