Home Economics Honorary Degree Less Obvious in Mid-Spring When My Toes Cramp on the Stairs

in hive-185836 •  2 years ago 


I Can't Separate I Am Grandma Throop 2022, painted over 2021 failure to express the same realization. Acrylic on canvas, 16 x 20"

In 1936, my grandmother Evelyn graduated from Cornell University with a degree in home economics. She learned many tricks of the “being alive” trade. Her parents allowed her a college education in order to find a “good family” to marry into. Ha! The joke was on them! She found my grandfather Ronald, a poor civil engineering student, and brought all that accumulated home business knowledge (for a would-be millionaire) to a modest little paradise in the small town where my parents and then I was born. Evelyn was an expert canner and knew how to skin and cook squirrel. Ronald took a steady, low-paying job with the state highway department, played on his tractor in spring and summer, and in the autumn, helped Grandma fill the root cellar (basement) with enough potatoes to feed a family of four until June.
Today, I hold an honorary degree in home economics. I think my grandmother would be proud. Long ago when I was still in high school, she predicted that I would become either a restaurant chef or a philosopher. I got close to both, but never achieved full status in either profession. After my grandmother died, some time between acting chef and philosopher, I tacked on painting as probable bread-winning pursuit.
No dice.
I am just a non-credentialed stay-at-home husband and father. I will continue to paint, and cook, and think about ways and means to the good life. In spring I’ll notice that near-constant wiggling of my toes and pressing urge to clear out the winter, clean up the nest, and find self-worth in a world that has for the most part abandoned post-secondary degrees for the family-raising arts. I found my bread-winner and built a modest little paradise without the back-slapping congratulations from a broken society uninterested in an able-bodied man (or woman) taking up where his or her grandmother left off.
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I refuse to barbeque the local squirrels. But I do make tortillas from scratch and grow my own garlic. No degree necessary.

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Hi dear @ronthroop,

Best regards to your grandparents. Your grandma got a good deal and got a good husband and a college degree.

I think my grandfather got the better deal:) Thank you!


Life has "endless paths" to travel, and according to your experiences you continued achieving harmony in what you now execute, and that matters. Greetings.

Wonderful positivity, thank you!

your work is always so interesting.

As I wrote to @lanegra2804 , flattery will get you a 100% upvote:)

Thank you for looking and reading!

I just read you said you had no background in art etc it’s reassuring for me to read as I fell out of love wifh fashion photography a few years back and began painting my spiritual visions, mostly over the lockdown. It’s nice and inspiring to see examples of other ppl with no classical training etc but a vivid imagination out there creating.

Thank you. I don’t know why you fell out of love with fashion photography, butI feel I may fall out of love with painting if I gain the world without leaving it behind. It’s a catch-22. Social media is an anti-anonymity drug that dopamine darts my frontal lobe daily. I often wish for a pre-internet art practice of meditative anonymity. Gallery representation could have a come back in order to save painting. I used to think we should get rid of the middleman, but I now see that it offer protection to the artist, if done right. I wish to paint for 6 months in quiet without feedback, then exhibit to the public. Then go back to quiet.
It’s a tough habit to break.

Nice to know about your family, very hardworking people, I imagine that the grandmother was affectionate, we have so many skills that sometimes we don't really find what we are good at, but you in your art are definitely an artist!

I think grandma would be proud either way!

I studied Engineering and Administration, which I like 🤷‍♀️gardening or cattle, nature but my family did not let me be part of it, I was very young, I was barely 17 years old when I went to university.

I love the painting!


Thank you.
Yes, she would be proud. I went to university for business and then changed to history.
Now I paint every day and cook dinners every night. No history, no business.
Life is good and never predictable:)

Nice to read your grand parents story

I am fortunate to have many. Many stories passed down through several generations:)
