Be Intentional With Your Day

in hive-185836 •  2 years ago 

Each day you wake up in the morning, you need to have the intention of what you want to achieve for the day. It may even need you to make a list of what your activities for the day will look like. The truth is that when you have a plan of what to achieve for the day, it will prevent you from being distracted by minor things. One of the reasons why some people major on the minor is because they do not follow after a plan of what to achieve and they are not intentional about their day. It is worthy to note that the day will result into what you have made it to be.


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You have to understand that having an amazing day is not something that just jumps on someone from the limbo, you have to work for it. This is why you need to visualise and imagine every details that you want the day to be fashioned after, then you will know how to direct your actions. It is true that everyone will want good things to happen to them for the day, but there are things that do not just work by wishing alone - there is a requirement that you will put actions towards it. By planning for the day, you have taken a major step in the right direction. Then by putting actions to back up your plans, you are already enroute to the course of your destination.

Without making a plan for the day, you will not know what you achieved and what you did not. As a matter of fact, you cannot effectively reflect on the day by the end of the day, unless you have made a plan at the beginning of the day. This is just like someone that does not have a destination in mind of where he is going, every place that he arrives will look like it and he will not know if he had made progress or not. In the same way, if you see your day as "anything goes," you will not maximise the full benefits of the day. It is worthy to note that the way you have visualized your day is the way you will take actions towards it.

By the end of the day, when you have revisited the plan you made in the morning, you will take appraisal and assessment of it to know what you did good, so as to know what to consolidate upon, then you will know what you did not get right, so as to know what corrections to take to become better tomorrow, then it will also give you the opportunity to know what to be grateful for. It is how you have made plans for the day that the day will play out for you. A farmer that goes to his farm with the intention of having a good harvest will also be intentional with planting his seeds. He will go for the hybrid and enhanced variety of seeds, then after planting them, he will put in place the best farming practices - like timely weeding, manuring, watering, etc. All these are what will lead him to having a good harvest.

Just like the case of the farmer that I sighted above, if you want your day to yield positively for you, you have to start it by being intentional with your plans for the day: Know what to do, how to do it, and then do it. It is by making plans and then coming back to assess it that you will know what you need to change - that is what has not been working for you. Obviously, you cannot do the same thing that has not been working in the same way and expect it to work someday. Even if something is working, you can still make it to work better.


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There is a kind of confidence that you have when you have planned your day. More so, there is an ease of accomplishment that you will also experience. Many people may tag it "luck" but they do no know what you have put in place to make it work. If it is luck, then why are others not replicating it? Just like a friend of mine once said and I conclude with it:

Luck may happen, but it is better it meets you while working.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all

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