Conditioning Your Mind To Welcome Challenges: Mental Toughness

in hive-185836 •  5 hours ago 

One thing to know about life is that you cannot run away from challenges. In fact, you will be right to infer that challenges are integral part of what life offers. You may not be able to stop challenges from coming, but you can strengthen your mind to welcome it and then navigate through it to achieve your goals. The people that win are not because they never met obstacles, but they were able to overcome them through persistence, perseverance, and building up the mind not to give up at the sight of problems. It does not only require endurance when passing through the challenges of life to emerge victorious, but you also learn to remain focused on what you want to achieve.


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Just to make it clear, conditioning your mind for mental toughness means learning the ability to remain focused, determined and confident in the face of adversity, stress and even what looks like failure. The truth is that tough times may come, but it is the tough people that will scale through them victoriously. In fact, adversity does not announce their presence before they come, so this is why you have to build up yourself for it. Personal mental growth is not what you achieve in a day but what you build overtime. You will not see a soldier learning how to shoot his rifle on the day of battle but he must have already learnt and perfected it before the day of battle.

In life, the tougher you are mentally, the better it will be for you to push through challenges. This does not mean denying the presence of challenges, however it has to do with focusing on the intended results and not on the challenging process. If someone wants to build muscles for example, he will be subjected to some intense physical exercises that may seem very brutal. Of course, his mind will not be focused on the temporary pain he is going through but what he hopes to gain in the long run. This mentality will keep him going even when it looks like he is about cracking under pressure. He is not denying the pain, but he is only focused on the gain.

One of the things you need to understand is that when you are building up your mind and toughening it, it is never an easy process, it may require constant meditation, mindfulness, reading and studying, thinking, having intelligent conversation with people, etc. All these are part of what sharpens and toughens your mind. In life, there is a point that you will need to endure hardness just to prevent hard life. The more you build up yourself and your mind today, the softer your tomorrow will be.

It is worthy to note that your life is basically a product of what your mind and your thoughts have made it to be. If you do not build up your mind to focus on what you want to achieve and to believe in your dreams, you may never achieve it and you may fall for just anything. Your mind has to align with what you are doing in order for it to be profitable. Your tomorrow is basically at a function of what your mind conceived and created today. Everyone, just like you, is given a brain to think and a mind to imagine, but what you do with your own is entirely your choice. You have a choice to build up your mind and face what is coming or you will stand the risk of being cracked by it.


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You also need to know that it is not everything that you allow into your mind. You have to regulate what you think, what you let into your mind, what you meditate on, etc. This is because, a tiny thought, when nurtured, will grow into a big action. It is by thinking positively that you will see yourself acting positively. You need to focus more on the solution and on the end-result, then you will not be swayed by the challenges and the oppositions on the way to achieve it. You are not to think what your situations present to you nor allow your challenges to change your thought pattern, rather you are to change your situation by your thoughts.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all

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