Differentiating Between Patience And Wasting Of Time

in hive-185836 •  2 years ago 

It is true that everything that is to be done has its time and seasons for the full purpose to be achieved. Obviously, this is the reason why it has been said that the good things of life is worthy to be waited for. However, one needs to understand that there is a very thin line that separates having patience and wasting of one's time. It is what you do during the period of waiting for your success that will determine if you are indeed having patience or you are simply wasting your time. Note this: patience is a very potent tool in the realisation of success if wielded effectively.


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Let us take the farming scenario as an example. When a farmer goes to his farm and plants his seeds, even if he does that in the right season and with the right seeds, it does not stop at just planting. There is a need for him to give the seeds time to go from the stage of planting to germination, then they will begin to sprout, then the seedlings will grow into a full plants and start to produce flowers. From the flowering stage, they will enter the stage of fruiting before they can be harvested. If the farmer goes to the farm the next week after planting to harvest it, he will end up killing the seed.

From the above example of the farmer, you will agree with me that it requires patience. However, the farmer does not just fold his hand and wait until the day of the harvest. If he does that, the day of harvest may not come or it may come with poor yield. During the period of waiting for the harvest, he will need to undertake some farm practices to ensure the survival and yielding of the seeds. He will weed the farm to prevent weeds from taking over the farm and killing the plant. He will also water the farm regularly and not forgetting putting manure or fertiliser. All these are what will make the period of waiting to be profitable. Otherwise his waiting will just end up as pure waste of time.

While you are waiting for your success to mature, you still need to be working towards consolidating on it. More so, what you do at those waiting time matters a lot to your success. When you set up a business for example, while putting in efforts on establishing it and waiting for it to start yielding profits, you will also be scouting for customers, marketing your products and services, etc. All these are what will make the business successful, not just establishing it and sitting and waiting for it to run itself. Patience demands work to be done while waiting in order for it to be profitable.

It is also worthy to note that different life's hustles have different maturity periods and as such, they will require different duration of patience. For example, you will not expect a palm tree to mature and start bearing fruits at the same time with a corn plant. But the former will produce more profit when it starts and will run for many years or even decades. So we should know how to appropriate our patience for the things that we do. Someone else may have already started to draw profits from his business but it does not mean that yours will not come, it may just be that your own has a different maturity period. So it takes a considerable amount of maturity mixed with wisdom to be able to understand times, and this will help you to know how and what to wait for.


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Life itself and everything about it requires a form of patience. For instance; no one is born today and becomes mature today, it will require a process of continuous changes. This also goes to prove that even change is only possible by adding patience to life. If you understand that life is in phases and everything of value has a process to follow and time to wait for it to mature, then you will not follow life in a "do or die" manner.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all

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