Let Your Actions Count

in hive-185836 •  2 years ago 

People always say that actions are necessary for one to achieve success, but what many do not know is that it is not just any kind of action that guarantees results but result-oriented action. That is action that is geared towards achieving result, not acting just to "fulfill all righteous" or acting for the sake of actions. This places smart work higher than hard work. Obviously, it is not the difficulty at which you work or the hardness of the labour that you put into work that will bring about the required outcome but the smartness of your work. So make every action to count.


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It is worthy to note that you do not have a limitless amount of time to spend on earth to be wasting it on the actions that do not have results as the endpoint. Trust me, what people will judge you for is what they see and what will impress them is not the work you have done but the results you have. If you are given a task in the office for example and you have put in an extensive amount of time and effort into it without getting any result, if someone else puts in a little smart effort and gets the job done in a lesser time, then he will be the one to get the reward. In this era, your focus should be to devise an easier way to get a particular job done and get the result without going through the long route. In a race, even if you flap your hands like an eagle, as long as you do not brace the finishing line first, you have not won the race.

If you are going to another country and you take bicycle, before you get there, it may take you days and you would have expended an incredible amount of energy. But if someone else takes an airplane, in a matter of hours, he will be at the destination. I remember when I was doing my internship program, there was a particular task we were given and I had already spent days on it without having a headway in it. At a point, I went to a colleague of mine and explained my ordeal to him. In a matter of minutes, he gave me a very easy way to get the same task done and I did it and got the result in minutes. The same way in life, whatever you want to do, the truth is that there is another easier and better way to get it done.

When acting towards your idea, always ask yourself if this action is the best action you can put in towards that idea. Also ask if there is a better way to get it done. That you took a longer way to get to a destination does not mean that the person that took a shorter way did not achieve the result. The result is to get to the destination, but the way to get there is entirely your choice. Do not expend your whole energy on hard work while you lay less emphasis on working smart. During the days of manual typewriter, people spent an extensive amount of time to type and edit documents, but in this era of computers, there are templates to make the work easier. More so, there are some computer devices that can even help one to type with voice prompt without striking the keyboard.

What you should be concerned about is the result, then when you keep your eyes focused on that, you will know the smart ways to get to it. To help you with that, you need to keep updating, upgrading yourself, going for more knowledge, and staying informed. You will be surprised that what you are trying to learn already has many YouTube videos that explain the details that you can simply lay your hands onto and get a headway in it. As a matter of fact, the Internet has opened up this world to information at their fingertips, so no one has an excuse for ignorance.


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Most times, what normally takes people through the hard and difficult way to accomplish a task is the lack of knowledge of the smarter way to accomplish it. If you have a better way to do things, you will be surprised how easy and beautiful life will be. So to stay afloat in this highly competitive world and make impact, your actions must be result-oriented, but it is only possible when you go for more knowledge. This reminds me of a statement by a friend as I conclude with it:

The more you know, the easier life becomes.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all

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