Managing Failures, A Pathway To Success

in hive-185836 •  2 years ago 

A lot of people that we celebrate as being successful in their various fields of endeavours had some failed attempts in the past, but they learnt a way to turn them into their advantages instead of allowing them to become banes to them. Obviously, you may be made to be very hopeful in life and to always expect positivities, but it does not stop you from being prepared for even the worse, so that you will not be caught off-guard if it happens. If someone does not know how to manage their failed attempt, it may eventually turn the person to a failure. That someone failed at a couple of attempts is not what will automatically qualify him to be called a "failure," but how he manages it will determine his fate - whether he is a failure or not.


Image from Pexels

More often than not, it is not what someone experiences that defines the course of his life but how he has responded or reacted to that particular experience. There are times that life may present to you a very rough situation but if you will be able to respond positively to it, you can still make something good out of it. Your success in life is also dependent on how you respond positively to even a negative situation. You may not be able to determine what life will bring to you nor what tomorrow may hold for you, but you can determine how you will respond to it.

In order to respond positively to a negative situation, you have to develop yourself and build up your capacity, both mentally and otherwise, then you will learn to see things from the side of positivity and not the way the situation presents it to be. I once read about a particular renowned painter and artist, who went on an art exhibition in a country. After the exhibition, he decided to visit a restaurant for his lunch. As soon as he entered and seated, he ordered for his meal. When the waiter was bringing the food to him, she was surprised to see the artist who was one of her biggest celebrities. She could not believe her eyes. Out of excitement, which was caused by the excessive joy of seeing the person she had always dreamt of seeing, she missed her steps and tripped over, the plate of flew out of her hands and splashed onto the wall which was newly painted.

At that point, she was speechless because she thought she would have a major problem with both the artist and the owner of the restaurant. However, while everyone was seeing the mess that was made on the wall, the artist saw things differently - he saw an artwork. What he did shocked everyone; he reached into the little toolkit that he had and retrieved some paints and a brush and used them to work on the mess on the wall. After working on it, it became a spectacle that people now come from all over the metropolis just to see the art piece. It was not long and the restaurant became like a tourist centre. If he had not looked at the mess differently, he would not have made something positive out of it.


Image from Pexels

There are times that the success plans you have made may not work according to how you have planned it, but it does not mean you will not still achieve the success. Failure, as they say, is never the final result, but only if you are willing to rise up from the place you have failed at and keep trying. You are never a failure simply because you failed at an attempt, and you can still achieve success even if you have failed at the attempt. The only thing needed is to keep up with your positivity, and it will give you the zeal to keep trying. The words of Confucius the great of China is still a valid example of rising from failure, he explained that:

China did not achieve greatness by not falling at all, but it achieved greatness by rising up each time they fall.

You need to keep in mind that you are the direct determinant of what happens to you by reason of how you respond to situations; even a negative situation. More so, do not allow a failed attempt to have the final say; you should have the final say, not your situation.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all

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Thanks buddy