Today's Actions; Tomorrow's Results

in hive-185836 •  23 days ago 

There is nothing that is done which does not have effects. In fact, for every action that is taken, there will always be a resultant effect. This is why, before you act, you have to consider the effects of what you are about to do, and this also includes what you say. There are lots of people who have willingly put themselves into challenging situation simply because of what they say. Always keep in mind that your thoughts have to take the lead before your speech or actions can follow. If you will be able to think first before you act, you will realise how you will prevent certain problems from coming your way.


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I have a friend who, each time she is angry, she would let loose her mouth and speak all manner of things without even thinking of the impact of her words. She would always be like "let me give this person a piece of my mind" and she would use brutal words. After talking out of anger, she would come back to feel regrets, but the words have already hit their targets. This kept repeating. I advised her that, anytime she feels prompted to speak in anger, she should refrain from speaking because what she would have said may not be worth it at the end when her emotions are calm.

I also told her that if she would be able to control her speech in anger, she would overcome a major part of her problems. Ironically, most of what she says in anger are based on assumptions and mere emotions and not something that is factual. She did not heed to the advice but she later learnt her lesson the hard way. One day, she came with sadness and told me that her mouth has put her in trouble. When I ask what happened, she told me that the boyfriend broke up with her because of this same thing.

From what she told me, she had assumed something untrue about his boyfriend and without having any fact, she confronted him and unleashed hell with words. Sadly enough, this was not the first time she had done this and it ended up being that she acted in anger based on wrong assumptions. Well, the guy could not bear it and he had to take a leave. When she was telling me what happened, she said that she had learnt her lessons in the hard way, but I hope she has. If you know that your actions and words are not neutral nor inconsequential, you will be cautious of how you act or speak.


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Your words and the actions that you take are like seeds. If a farmer plants a seed for example, it is only a matter of time and the seed will grow into fruits. In the same way, when actions go forth, even if the effects will not come today, they will definitely come in the future - it is only a matter of time. You have to begin to take responsibility for what you do, so that you will know how you act. To achieve success in life, you need to know that what you do matters, but more importantly, how you do it also matters. Two people may do the same thing in two different ways and at the end, they will get two different results.

If you know the right thing to do, then it is expected of you to do it, and also do it in a right manner. You cannot do the wrong thing or do something in an obviously wrong way and expect not to have a negative effects. Before you complain of the way things are going with you, you have to know the actions that have led to it. You can only change the outcome of a thing when you have changed the process. It is the summation of actions, methods, and processes that will lead to results that are experienced. Remember that you can neither undo nor edit the actions of the past irrespective of what the effects are today, but you can act rightly today to have the right result tomorrow.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all

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