What is success to you?

in hive-185836 •  2 months ago 

Assalam O alaikum.

Hello my steemit friends I hope you are all doing well and I am also fine and felling well.i really love this contest What is success to you my success is I want to become a doctor. Success mean different thing to different people to me success is a mix of achieving my dreams help others and finding personal happiness i am a student of cardiology in my second semester and i believed that this path will lead me to success. Here is why i think this is my way to succeed.

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What is Success to Me?

Success is not just one thing. It is like a puzzle with many pieces. One piece is achieving my dreams. I always want to be a doctor specifically a cardiologist i am fascinates by the human heart and how it work helping people with heart problems live better lives is something i am passionates about. As a second semester cardiology student i am already on my way to making this dream a reality inshAllah. Every class and every lesson brings closer to my goal.


I believe that true success comes when you make positive impact on other peoples lives as a future cardiologist i will have the chance to help people in a very direct and meaningful ways i will able to diagnose and treat heart disease offer advice on healthy living and support patients and their family through tough time. Knowing that i can make a difference in some one life is powerful motivator for me.

Personal happiness is also a big part of success for me personal happiness come from doing what i love being around peoples i care about and feelings good about myself i know that being a cardiologist will be challenging and sometimes stressful but i also know that it will rewarding the satisfactions of helping others the joy of learning new things every day and pride of achieving my dreams will all contributes to my happiness.

To reach success I need to work hard and stay focused. Becoming a cardiologist is not easy. It requires many years of studying and training. I need to do well in my studies continue learning and eventually complete my residency. Important part of success having a support system i am lucky to have a loving family and good friend who believe me. They encouraged me when i am down and celebrate my achievements with me having people who care about you and support your dreams make the journey to success much easier.

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Addition to hard works and support i believe that positive attitude is crucial for success. Life is full of up and down there will be time when things do not go planned. Instead of getting discourage i try to stay positive and learn from my mistakes a positive attitude helps me stay motivates and focused on my goals.

In conclusion success to me is a combination of achieving my dreams helping others and finding personal happiness. As second semester cardiology student i am already the path to making my dreams of becoming a cardiologist come true inshallah helping others and making positive impact on their lives is a big part of what drive me personal happiness also important and i find joy in doing what i love and being around supportive people with hard work a strong support system and a positive attitude I believe that i can achieve success and make my dreams a reality's.
I am inviting friends @hamzayousafzai @ripon0630 @harferri

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