Rest in Peace Kiska - The world's loneliest Orca

in hive-185836 •  2 years ago  (edited)

Hi My Friends, Again, there is a sad news. Kiska, the world's loneliest Orca, died March 9 at the 47 year old. Actually, I was feeling sad when she lives in captive. On Steemit, dolphins, orcas, whales are concepts we own. Being an orca makes us very happy here, but what is it like to be a real Dolphin or an Orca?

She was Canada's last captive orca. For the last 12 years of her life, she sometimes swam alone in endless circles, sometimes floating listlessly in a small tank. In their wild, orcas can live between 50 and 90 years. When thinking about it, her life is shortened when she lived in isolation.


She had tried to commit suicide by slamming her body against the glass of the pool before, and I can't get over that image :( Orcas live in groups and are highly social animals. Therefore, the living conditions here are not acceptable. Reactions to her captivity continued, but unfortunately no results were obtained.

Kiska was born in 1976 in the Atlantic Ocean near Iceland. She was caught when she was 3 and spent 44 years of her life as a prisoner in a pool with her 6-metre body.

She lived in the pool of MarineLand amusement park in Canada. Kiska was an orca who had lost 5 cubs.

PETA (PEOPLE FOR THE ETHICAL TREATMENT OF ANIMALS) fought for her but to no avail. PETA, "like all orcas and other dolphins held prisoner in marine parks and exploited for entertainment, she deserved to stay in the ocean with her family, where she could have experienced a natural life." said. I totally agree with that.


Whale and Dolphin Conservation (WDC) is a charity that aims to protect whales and dolphins. According to the WDC, there are 56 orcas in captivity around the world. There are hundreds of thousands of captive animals who are abused, exploited and persecuted in the name of entertainment.

There is a good law enacted in 2019. According to the law, it is forbidden to prevent the reproduction of whales and dolphins and to keep them in captivity. Unfortunately, this law does not cover animals currently in captivity. So there are still a lot of animals like Kiska that will continue to live in captivity :(


How cruel and selfish it is to make money off living creatures whose freedom has been stolen. It is very sad that such situations still exist in the 21st century! Moreover, it is wrong to take children to aquariums, pools and dolphinariums for the love of nature. We must instill in our children the love of nature to support living things in their natural habitat.

In this way, we can say stop to animal exploitation. So that Kiska's sufferings are not in vain and her death inspires a change.

Rest in peace, Kiska 💜

Thank you.

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Hello, how unfortunate the death of Kiska, a beautiful orca who lived a lonely and sad life, what a pain that she wanted to commit suicide! I have never agreed to have animals as entertainment and prisoners, their nature is to be free and happy.

That is very sad story about Kiska. Since I was a child I never liked Zoos, because the animals there looked very sad there. Every animal has its living circumstances and need to be with others of their species, otherwise there is no sense of their life and Orcas are clever animals that is why it is cruel to keep such animal for 44 years in captivity. I also hope that she found a piece living this world.

Yes, it is completely a sad story. As you said we can see their unhappiness when they are not in their nature. The fact that is animals have their own needs, emotions, desires and nature. So that keeping them in small enclosures, pools and using them for human entertainment is harmful and cruel.

And visiting them in marine parks, aquariums, zoo is not fun or nature love. Maybe first of all, at this point, people should reach awareness and reach a consensus.


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Thank you dear @o1eh

Hello friend I hope you are well 🙏

It is very unfortunate that his life has been shortened in this way. She deserved to live in groups and in her habitat.

How cruel that he has remained since he was three years old in a swimming pool.

What sad news. The greed of people is too much to ruin the life of an innocent animal. Poor Kiska, she should have lived fully in freedom and not as a prisoner. It is very sad that the laws do not protect these animals.

Sad post. The evil that humans do...

Regards @Será, it is very sad that they locked her up and that she lost her family, I agree fatally like you that they should have left her in the ocean.

Have a good night.

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