Development Achievements 05 - Steemit Assisted Village and Build a Mushalla AL-Qariah in Aceh

in hive-185836 •  3 years ago 

desa binaan.jpg

Steemit Assisted Village and Build a Mushalla AL-QARIAH
With Photographer Steem Blockchain
World Of Xpilar Community

Achievement Activities. Date : 23 s/d 27 May 2021

Today, I will show again the progress of building a mushalla in Buket Village, which we are doing slowly with World Of Xpilar Members in the local Aceh Team joint.

This achievement is, of course, thanks to all the support from friends, especially from the Voters of this Post and the Contributions of Steem and Sbd, as well as being followed by the Spirit of Body Power in real time in the field.

This achievement, the continuation from here Achievements 04,until it has formed a building that you will see, in the arrangement of the image below of course.

In this activity, I would like to show all of you some of the activities I combined over the past few days, up to this day.

below, you'll see, activities like :

1 . Ordering Stage 2 Mushalla Pole
2 . Installation of Advanced Mushalla Pole
3 . Adjustment of Kosen and Brick Laying
4 . Purchase of Cement and Iron

Ordering Stage 2 Mushalla Pole

Below, you will see, some of the mushalla poles ordered have arrived, because, previously, the pillar in question was still lacking, so there were several poles in addition.

let's see the picture below.






Adjustment of Kosen and Brick Laying

Development Date: 23-05-2021

Below, you will also see, completion of the ongoing stages, from the construction of bricks for the walls to the setting of the window sills.

Below, you will see, all the activities, in the picture. let's take a look at it below :
















Installation of Advanced Mushalla Pole

Development Date: 26-05-2021

In installing the poles, it takes two days of completion, because, it is built in stages, to make it tidier and stronger, because, this pole will function to support the weight of the roof, which will be installed in the next few days. "The roof is still under design"








Further Installation of Mushalla Pole

Development Date: 27-05-2021

continued, you will see directly in the image below:
















Purchase additional cement "Date: 23-05-2021

below, you will see again, several stages of material requirements, such as:

  • cement
  • iron

which is still lacking, let's look at it below :



Additional purchase of cement and iron "Date: 26-05-2021



The Final Result of Achievement

At the end of this section, the achievements that have been made are banned as in the picture below, this construction will continue tomorrow, because some materials are still lacking, such as:

  • brick

Mushola Pole Completed
Picture below :

Installation of Mushalla Pole has been completed.
below is the picture.


The front prayer room wall continued Tomorrow
Picture below :

some parts of the wall, still not filled with bricks, this is due to adjustment, there is still a lack of bricks ordered beforehand, to fulfill the picture below, in the upper section, on the left. which is still lacking.


Mushola wall in continuation Tomorrow
Picture below :

Likewise with the image below, you can see it, from the point of view of the eye, like:

the inside, the bricks are still lacking, to fill up to the top, left side and right side. below is the picture:


After some of the points above have been done tomorrow, then, the next one will be done as below.

Advanced Stages of Development :

  1. Plaster of the walls of the prayer room "front and back"
  2. Designing beams, for the roof of the Mushalla.

That is what I can say, in achieving the construction of a Mushalla and Children's Education Center in this village. I hope that in its development, this village will get more support from all Steem users.

Thus, the brief explanation above, in the joint activity of building a place of worship and an educational place for children in Buket Village, I hope you will be happy to see them.

Requesting assistance from:

Hopefully this project submission will receive support from all parties.

A big thank you, from me representing the World Of Xpilar Community
who have helped in the form of field workers, during this development, including the people of Buket Village


Responsible Field
World Of Xpilar community

100% Voting for this post, will be given for Financing to Assisted Steemit Villages and Build Mushalla


Donation List Development Achievements 04

1. @xpilar100-
2. @hingsten100-
3. @sa1photography-1.400

Donation List

1. @xpilar100-
2. @hingsten100-
3. @digitals-photo-4
4. @jasonmunapasee-3
5. @adi.pisces-2
6. @muliadi988-
7. @adivender-1
8. @partner-macro-1
9. @grisaia-steem-1
10. @lensaphoto-1
11. @syawalkoki-1
12. @idayrus-1


List- NameCementNote
1. Cement11Villagers


1Responsible Fields@sultan-aceh
2Treasurer for Development@jasonmunapasee
3Checking Assistance Fund Transactions@grisaia-steem
4Field Inspectors@digitals-photo
5Information and Documentation@adi.pisces
6Implementation withMembers @aceh-team

Development Information

DevelopmentPlaces of Worship and places of Education
LocationBuket Village
Support@dobartim - @xpilar - @stephenkendal - Team Norway
SurveiCommunity @worldofxpilar - @aceh-team and @sultan-aceh


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Hello dear friend @ sultan-aceh good afternoon
What they are doing is worthy of admiration, congratulations to the entire team who make a great effort to carry this forward.
I really appreciate that you let us know about the trailer.
have a beautiful afternoon

thank you so much Jlufer
great to hear :)

Semoga cepat selesai bangunan musalla alqari'ah amin..

Alhamdulillah ... terima kasih banyak

Alhamdulillah, proses pembuatan musholla ini berjalan lancar, semoga cepat selesai seperti harapan kita semuanya 👌👌👌

Alhamdulillah ... terima kasih banyak

Sama-sama bang @sultan-aceh 👌👌👌

Alhamdulillah sampai saat ini berjalan dengan lancar, semoga kedepannya berjalan lebih lancar lagi, dan semoga mushalla ini cepat dapat digunakan sehingga anak-anak didesa tersebut lebih cepat mendapatkan tempat pendidikan yang layak. amin

Alhamdulillah ... terima kasih banyak

sama-sama :-)

  ·  3 years ago (edited)

MashaAllah You're doing a great job sir @sultan-aceh hats off

thank you so much @shohana1
Allhamdulillah ... This was achieved thanks to the support of Voices and Donations and the prayers of all users at Steem. including you @shohana1 :)

Alhamdulillah, Allahumma Ameen! I pray to Almighty Allah for more success on your honest projects and donations. 💖

Alhamdulillah, the work has been done so far. I hope this work will finish quickly.I am proud of you @sultan-aceh . what you do is very useful to all of us. We as aceh-taem members are very grateful to everyone who has supported us so far and very much also to @xpilar . Who always supports us all. We as members of aceh-taem will always support and assist you. Continue to fight together.


Alhamdulillah ... terima kasih banyak

Alhamdulillah, the construction of the musholla is going well, and I hope the construction of the musholla will be completed quickly :)

Alhamdulillah ... terima kasih banyak

Semoga cepat selesai, dan dapat di pakai secepat nya, @sultan-aceh

Alhamdulillah ... terima kasih banyak

Sama-sama bg,,

Alhamdulillah progresnya semakin meningkat

Alhamdulillah ... terima kasih banyak

Semoga berjalan dengan lancar

Alhamdulillah ... terima kasih banyak

Semoga dipermudahkan dan cepat terselesaikannya kegiatan amal mulia ini...
Pekerjaan dan keputusan yang sangat bijak untuk membangun mushalla ini bg.
Good jobs bg.

Alhamdulillah ... terima kasih banyak

Semoga tidak ada kendala dalam pembangunan.
Semoga cepat selesai dan Segera bisa dinikmati Warga setempat.

Alhamdulillah ... terima kasih banyak

Alhamdulillah.. semoga berjalan sesuai dengan rencana dan mendapat keberkahan yang berlimpah, Aamiin!!!.

Alhamdulillah ... terima kasih banyak

You are so committed @sultan-aceh and I love you for that

Alhamdulillah ... terima kasih banyak

Semoga cepat selesai pembangunan Mushalla AL-Qariah 🤲
Sukses selalu @sultan-aceh

Alhamdulillah ... terima kasih banyak

alhamdulillah dengan izin Allah semoga cepat selesai dan berjalan lancar amin...

Alhamdulillah ... terima kasih banyak

Dengan niat tulus karena Allah mudah-mudahan apa kita rencanakan menjadi kenyataan begitu juga dengan pembangunan mushala al-Qari,ah. Cepat terwujud amin salam kebersamaan

Alhamdulillah ... terima kasih banyak

Alhamdulillah . semoga cepat selesai pembangunan musalla ini. Dan semoga cepat dapat digunakan. Saya sangat senang atas pembuatan musallah ini.

Alhamdulillah ... terima kasih banyak

Semoga pembangunan Masjid lancar dan semua diberi kesehatan. Sukses selalu ya bg 🙏

Alhamdulillah ... terima kasih banyak

Alhamdulillah... Semoga dengan adanya Pembangunan Mushalla AL-QARIAH ini bisa menjadi amal ibadah kita bersama. Juga bisa dimanfaatkan dalam beribadah yang sebaik-baiknya oleh masyarakat.

Alhamdulillah ... terima kasih banyak

alhamdulillah saya sangat senang melihat pembangunan mushalla hampir selesai dan berjalan dengan lancar. Saya sangat mendukung pekerjaan baik @sultan-aceh.

Alhamdulillah ... terima kasih banyak

Alhamdulillah semoga Cepat selesai pembanguna Musala.amin

Alhamdulillah ... terima kasih banyak

Sama2 sultan

alhamdulillah, pembangunan sudah hampir selesai dan alhamdulilah berjalan dengan lancaar. Mari kita doakan supaya pembangunan kembali berjalan dengan lanacar.... Amiiin

Alhamdulillah ... terima kasih banyak

Alhamdulillah, pembangunan ini selalu berjalan lancar, semoga tidak ada halangan kedepannya.supaya cepat selesai dan segera di gunakan oleh penduduk si sana.

Alhamdulillah ... terima kasih banyak

Alhamdulillah ... musalla nya sangat bagus semoga tidak ada kendala apa- apa dan cepat selesai...kami sangat termotivasi sekali insyaallah dengan kebaikan ini menjadi asbab kebaikan dunia dan akhirat nanti.

Alhamdulillah ... terima kasih banyak

Jangan sampai mushalla di cot kiroe jln di tempat ya boos mari tabangun coet kiroe dgn hati yg ikhlaas

Alhamdulillah ... terima kasih banyak

Congratulations, your post has been upvoted by @dsc-r2cornell, which is the curating account for @R2cornell's Discord Community.

Manually curated by @jasonmunapasee


Alhamdulillah good luck and running smoothly.

Hola como esta, es una gran labor la que ustedes estan realizando Dios los recompensara por tan maravillosa obra.